CopyTo Method

NI Vision for Visual Basic

CopyTo Method


CWIMAQArcs.CopyTo DestArcs


Copies one arcs collection into another.


DestArcs As CWIMAQArcs

The arcs collection to copy into.


Private Sub Run_Click()
    Dim SourceArcs As New CWIMAQArcs
    Dim DestArcs As New CWIMAQArcs
    Dim I As Integer
    'Fill the SourceArcs collection with data
    SourceArcs.Add 3
    SourceArcs(1).Initialize 81, 13, 54, 84, 13, 86
    SourceArcs(2).Initialize 173, 58, 114, 44, 157, 277
    SourceArcs(3).Initialize 162, 124, 44, 46, 300, 71
    'Fill the destination arcs collection with data. This data will be
    'overwritten by the CopyTo below.
    DestArcs.Add 1
    DestArcs(1).Initialize 0, 0, 200, 200, 10, 350
    'Copy SourceArcs into DestArcs
    SourceArcs.CopyTo DestArcs
    'Overlay all of the arcs in DestArcs
    For I = 1 To DestArcs.Count
        CWIMAQViewer1.Image.Overlays(1).DrawArc DestArcs(I), _
    Next I
End Sub