niFgen Get FIR Filter Coefficients
Returns the FIR filter coefficients used by the onboard signal processing block. These coefficients are determined by NI-FGEN and based on the FIR filter type and corresponding property (Alpha, Passband, BT) unless you are using the custom filter. If you are using a custom filter, the coefficients returned are those set with the niFgen Configure Custom FIR Filter Coefficients VI coerced to the quantized values used by the device.
Refer to Devices»NI 5441»Theory of Operation»Onboard Signal Processing»Components»FIR Filter in the NI Signal Generators Help for more information about FIR filter coefficients.
Instrument Handle identifies your instrument session. Instrument Handle was obtained from the niFgen Initialize VI or niFgen Initialize With Options VI. | |||||||
Channel Name specifies the channel this VI uses. | |||||||
error in describes error conditions that occur before this VI or function runs.
| |||||||
Instrument Handle Out passes a reference to your instrument session to the next VI. | |||||||
FIR Filter Coefficients returns the FIR filter coefficients that the onboard signal processor is using as an array of data. For the NI 5441, the array contains 95 coefficients coerced to the quantized values used by the device.
The coefficients range between -1.00 and +1.00. |
error out contains error information. If error in indicates that an error occurred before this VI or function ran, error out contains the same error information. Otherwise, it describes the error status that this VI or function produces.