About XML Signatures

Microsoft Office InfoPath

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About XML Signatures

XML Signatures are digital signatures designed for use in XML-based transactions. They are defined through a joint effort of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). XML Signatures contain a series of XML elements and attributes that define various components needed to securely sign an XML document, including information about the location of the XML document to be signed, the algorithm used for signing, and information about the key used for signing.

An important feature of XML Signatures is the ability to have multiple digital signatures contained within one XML document. This allows multiple users to work on the same XML document, with each user providing a new digital signature on top of signatures added by other users.

Adding a digital signature to an XML document helps ensure that the data contained in the document is more secure, and that the identity of the person who signed the XML document can be verified.