About conditional formatting

Microsoft Office InfoPath

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About conditional formatting

Conditional formatting in Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 allows you to change the appearance of a control based on values users enter into your form. For each control, you can set conditions that control formatting such as font style, text color, and background color. You can also hide a control entirely. Controls can have multiple conditions, which means that a control’s appearance can change in different ways based on different values. A control's appearance can also change based on the values entered into other controls on the form.

You can use conditions to determine whether the value of a control is blank, is within a specified range, equals the value of another control, or starts with or contains certain characters. Conditional formatting allows you to highlight important data and provide a more interactive experience for the person filling out the form. For example, conditional formatting can be set to:

  • Hide a control unless a specific check box is selected.
  • Change the font color to blue and the style to bold for all expenses that require a receipt.
  • Change row colors in a repeating table based on the value of a text box in the row.
  • Mark financial entries with red text when they are below $0 and green text when they are $0 or higher.

Note  To display error alerts when users enter incorrect values into a form, you can also use data validation.