Duplicate measurement
Using this button, you create one or more copies of the selected measurement, which you can then move around on the drawing by defining the start and end point of a point of reference. After placing a copy at its final position, it is then linked to the same work item as the original measurement, while its name is also derived from the original via appending an index number (e.g. _1, _2, etc.).This feature is useful in cases where the same measurement can be used in different cases, e.g. a ceiling measurement can also be used to measure the floor.
In the above example, it is recommended to
link the measurement with many different work items instead of duplicating it
(ExtrAXION Pro version).
It is also
possible to duplicate only parts of a measurement by selecting them on the
drawing and using the ‘Duplicate selection
’ button in the drawing windows area. In this
case, any copied items are added to the measurement they belong to (See Auxiliary
measuring tools/ Duplicate selection).