Batch Listing � Printing

Sage ERP Accpac Accounts Payable 6.0

Batch Listing � Printing

A batch listing is the printed record of the transactions in a batch.

You can print batch listings for invoice, payment, and adjustment batches that have been entered, imported, generated, or posted. The invoice batch listing includes debit notes and credit notes, as well as interest invoices.

For information on the contents of this report, see Batch Listing � Features.

When to print

You should print batch listings after entering, importing, generating, or editing a batch, at any time before the batch is posted, then file them with your other audit trail records.

If you select the Force Listing Of Batches option in the Options form, note that when you print to any print destination (including Preview), Accounts Payable changes the batch print status to printed. Be sure to print the batch listing to a printer or a file before posting.

To print batch listings

  1. Open the Batch Listings form.

    You can open the Batch Listings form in any of the following three ways:

    • On the Batch List form, click the Print button.
    • Choose the Batch Listing icon from the A/P Transaction Reports folder.
    • On any transaction entry form, from the File menu, click Print Batch Listing Report.
  2. Select the batch type for the batches you want to print.You can print invoice batches, payment batches, or adjustment batches. Note that the Payment and Adjustment options are not available for an Intercompany Transactions company.
  3. Select the range of batch numbers to print.
  4. Enter the range of batch creation dates.

    Click the arrows beside the From and the To date fields in turn, display the required month, then click the date you want to use for the range.

    The default range prints all batches from the beginning of the current fiscal year to the session date.

  1. Select optional information you want to include, as follows:
  2. Reprint Previously Printed Batches
  3. Show Comments
  4. Show Schedules lets you include multiple payment schedules on invoice batch listings.
  5. Show Tax Details lets you print tax details on invoice batch listings.
  6. Show Adjustment Details lets you include details of adjustments posted with payments and an adjustment summary. This option appears only for payment batch listings. Note that this option is not available for an Intercompany Transactions company.
  7. Show Job Details prints the contract, project, category, resource, applied amount, and discount taken for each job-related detail, and a summary by contract. This option appears only if you use Sage ERP Accpac and Job Costing. Note that this option is not available for an Intercompany Transactions company.
  8. Show Optional Fields lets you include optional field information included with transactions. This option appears only if you use Sage ERP Accpac Transaction Analysis and Optional Field Creator.
  1. Select the types of batches to print. You can choose:
  2. Entered � Batches created in Accounts Payable.
  3. Imported � Batches you have transferred to Accounts Payable using the Import (batch) choice from the File menu. (These can be batches created by another Sage ERP Accpac Accounts Payable or by a non-Sage ERP Accpac program. They could also be recurring batches created in your own Accounts Payable Ledger, then exported for later use.)
  4. Generated � Batches created in Accounts Payable, such as transactions that were rejected during posting.
  5. Recurring � If you are printing invoice batches, you can also print listings of the batches created by the Create Recurring Payable Batch form. Note that this option is not available for an Intercompany Transactions company.
  6. External� Batches that you create in other Sage ERP Accpac programs, then send to Accounts Payable (for example, invoice batches that you generate in Purchase Orders).
  7. Retainage� Batches that you create to clear outstanding retainage. (This option appears only if you use retainage accounting.) Note that this option is not available for an Intercompany Transactions company.
  1. Select the statuses of batches to print. You can choose:
  2. Open � Unlisted batches, or edited batches that have not been relisted.
  3. Ready To Post � Completed batches that are ready for posting.
  4. Posted � Batches that have been posted.
  1. Click Print.

    If printing to a printer, Accounts Payable displays the print destination form to let you confirm your printer selection and change the number of copies to print. Choose OK if the settings are correct; otherwise, choose Cancel or Setup.

    If printing to a file, Accounts Payable displays the name of the file, so you can change it or cancel printing.

    If printing to the screen (preview), Accounts Payable displays the report. If you want, you can then export it to a file or send it to the printer.

    If printing to an e-mail, Accounts Payable displays an e-mail message form for you to fill in, and inserts the report as an attachment when you choose Send.

    If printing to a schedule, Accounts Payable displays the Schedule Report form.


  • You cannot print batch listings for deleted or posted batches.
  • Batch listings are optional unless you use the Force Listing Of All Batches option in Options.
  • Once you list a batch, its status changes to "Printed" on the Batch Status report.

After using

  • Verify contents, correct any errors, reprint the edited batches, then file the listings.
  • Post the batches.


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