Set Up a Recurring Payable for a Vendor
Before you start
Make sure you have:
- Added the vendor record for which you are adding recurring payable.
- Determined the code to identify the recurring payable.
- Determined the start date and, if you are using one, the expiration date for the recurring payable.
- Determined the maximum amount that you will pay, if there is one.
- Determined the number of invoices that you will pay, if there is a limit
- Determined the amount of each detail for the recurring payables.
To create a recurring payable:
- Open Account Payable > Vendors > Recurring Payables.
Click here for help on the fields on the Recurring Payables setup form.
- Click the New () button beside the Recurring Payable Code field.
- Enter or select the recurring payable code you want to use with the new payable. (Note that you can use the same recurring payable code for different vendors.)
- Enter a description for the recurring payable.
- Enter or select the number of the vendor you will pay periodically using this recurring payable.
- On the Invoice tab, enter:
- A start date for the payable.
- An expiration type.
- Depending on the expiration type, the expiration date, the maximum amount, or the number of invoices to produce.
- Header
for the document.
Enter the following header information:
- An account set, if you want to use a different one than the default account set for the vendor.
- Whether the
document is job-related.
When you select the Job Related option, additional fields appear on the Detail tab, letting you enter job-related information.
- The rate type to use for invoices (in a multicurrency ledger).
- A remit-to location.
- A description to be used on the invoices produced for the payable.
- Purchase order and sales order numbers.
- The terms code that specifies the payment terms for invoices produced for the payable.
- Use the Detail
tab to enter details
for the recurring payable, as you would for an invoice.
- If this is a job-related document, enter the contract and project, and (as applicable) the category and resource.
- Enter the item number, unit of measure, quantity, price, and distribution code. You may enter a negative quantity, but the invoice total cannot be negative.
If the detail is job-related, Accounts Payable displays as defaults the A/P item number and the unit of measure for the specified resource (for standard contracts) or category (for basic contracts).
- Enter an optional comment.
- If you use optional fields, click the Optional Fields Zoom button to check, change, or add optional fields for the detail.
To check or change the general ledger accounts and tax information for a detail, click the Account/Tax button. (Click Close to return to the Invoice Entry form.)
- To check or change taxes for the document, click the Tax/Totals tab.
- Click Add (or Save, if you are updating an existing recurring payable record).
After adding recurring payable records