Batch Listing — Features
A batch listing is the printed record of the transactions in a batch.
You can print batch listings for invoice, payment, and adjustment batches that have been entered, imported, generated, or posted. The invoice batch listing includes debit notes and credit notes, as well as interest invoices.
For instructions on printing the report, see Batch Listing — Printing.
To enforce a strict audit trail, turn on the Force Listing Of All Batches option in the Options form. This option prevents you from posting batches that are unlisted.
Information printed on the report
The following information is printed on the report:
- The batch entry number assigned to each transaction in the Invoice, Payment, or Adjustment Entry form. This number is a permanent part of the information stored for an entry, and appears on the posting journals and on the unconsolidated G/L Transactions report. Use this number to select an unposted transaction for editing, and to trace the history of posted transactions.
- Type
(Ty.) column lists the transaction
type for the entry.
The invoice batch listing may contain the following transaction types:
CRCredit Note
DBDebit Note
ITInterest Charge
The payment batch listing may contain the following transaction types:
CFApplied Credit (from)
CTApplied Credit (to)
DFApplied Debit (from)
DTApplied Debit (to)
EDEarned Discount Taken
GLGain or Loss (multicurrency ledgers)
The adjustment batch listing contains adjustment transactions only.
- Payment terms and due date for invoices. (Note that this information appears only on invoice batch listings.)
The following codes may appear:
A "T", indicating that the payment terms have been edited, as noted on the final tab of the report.
For multicurrency ledgers, an "R" appears if the exchange rate has been edited. Note that the "R" and "T" codes appear only on invoice batch listings.
An "E" appears on payment batch listings if an entry has been edited.
- Optional field
- Payment schedules are listed if you selected the Show Schedules option (for invoice batch listings only).
- Summary pages
The invoice batch listing includes a summary page that lists batch totals for the invoices, credit notes, debit notes, and interest charges entered, and a total for the batch.
The payment batch listing summary page lists totals for adjustments entered in the batch, discounts taken, and payments (amounts), and a total for the batch.
The adjustment batch listing summary page lists the total debits and credits for the batch.
- The final page lists the descriptions of symbols that appear on the report (for invoice and payment batch listings only), and the number of entries and batches printed.
The payment batch listing final page also lists the general ledger account debits and credits for adjustments entered in the batch.