Apply Payment Controls
Before You Start
- Post all invoice, payment, and adjustment batches so your vendor records are up to date.
- Print and review the Vendor Transactions report to see which payments you want to control.
- You may also choose Create Payment Batch, set your payment criteria, and print a Pre-Check Register to review payments.
To control payments in system-generated batches:
- Open Accounts Payable > A/P Transactions > Control Payments.
Click here for help on the fields on the Control Payments form.
- Specify how to select documents (and what you want to control), by choosing one of the following options:
- Single
This choice lets you select single documents for a specific vendor, and change the status of individual documents, as well as the due date, discount date, discount percent, and discount amount. You can also change the prepayment activation date for prepayments.
- Range
of Documents.
This choice lets you change the status of a range of invoices, debit notes, credit notes, and prepayments for a range of vendors. For example, use Range Of Documents to hold all invoices for one vendor or for a vendor group.
- If you select Specific Document, fill in the following fields to select the document you want to change:
- Vendor Number
- Document Number (invoice, credit note, debit note, or prepayment)
- Payment Number (will be "1" unless the document has a multiple payment schedule)
Click the Go () button or Press F7 to display information for the document so that you can change it. The fields you can change are:
- Due Date
- Discount Date
- Discount Percent
- Discount Amount
- Document Status (Normal, Forced, or On Hold)
- Activation Date for prepayments (the date after which the prepayment is considered when calculating the amount due for payment)
If you select Range Of Documents, fill in the following ranges:
- Vendor Group
- Vendor Number
- Document Number (since different vendors use different numbering systems, this option may be useful only if you are selecting invoices from a single vendor)
Select the Document Types for which you want to change the status.
Select the Document Status that you want applied.
- Click Process once you have selected the document or range of documents and specified the change.
After applying payment controls
- Choose Create Payment Batch, set your payment criteria, and print a Pre-Check Register to review payments.
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