Invoice Entry — Overview
Use this form to:
- Enter vendor invoices, credit notes, debit notes, and individual interest charges.
- Enter prepayments with invoices.
- Edit invoices, credit notes, debit notes, and invoices in batches created in Accounts Payable or imported from other accounting programs.
- Add a new vendor or a new remit-to location during invoice entry or when editing an existing invoice.
- Enter job-related details that will update contracts and projects in Project and Job Costing, if you use that program.
- Enter intercompany
transaction details,
if you use the Sage ERP Accpac Intercompany Transactions (ICT) program to
send transactions between companies.
Three ICT fields appear on the Invoice Entry form when you open the ICT company: Originator, Destination, and Route No. (These fields appear only if ICT has been activated for your company data.)
- Print
a batch listing report for a selected batch.
To print a batch listing for an invoice batch
- Select or display the batch using the Batch Number field.
- From the File menu, click Print Batch Listing Report.
- To print the current batch, click Print.
Invoice Entry lets you use Quick Mode to copy many of the fields from the previous transaction or detail to a new transaction or detail, so you don't have to re-enter them.
For detailed information about the tabs on the Invoice Entry form, click the links, below:
Click the links below for additional help on using the corresponding buttons:
Click here for tips on using Accounts Payable forms.
Job-related invoices, credit notes, and debit notes
You can enter invoices that are either job-related invoices or not job-related — you cannot enter a mixed invoice.
To enter a Project and Job Costing invoice, you must:
- Select the Project and Job Costing option.
- Identify the contract, project, and category for each detail you enter.
When you post job-related invoices, credit notes, and debit notes, Accounts Payable updates the project in Project and Job Costing. It also creates general ledger journal entries to update the Work-In-Progress and Payables Control accounts.
Multicurrency information (multicurrency ledgers only)
If you use multicurrency accounting, you enter amounts in the Invoice Entry form in the vendor's currency.
When you enter a vendor number, the vendor's currency code is displayed on the Document tab. If the vendor does not use the functional currency, you also see a Rates tab that you can use if you need to change exchange rate information.
When you are entering a credit note or debit note for a specific invoice, the original exchange rate used for the invoice is also displayed on the Rates tab.
Intercompany Transactions Invoices
If this is an ICT company, the following fields are displayed on the A/P Invoice Entry Document tab:
- Originator (in the header)
- Destination (in the detail grid)
- Route No. and Description (in the detail grid)
Posting an ICT batch creates an A/P batch in the originating company's Accounts Payable ledger (for posting to vendor accounts), and creates an ICT G/L batch in the ICT company.