Post Batches Form
Use this form to:
- Post batches of payments, invoices, or adjustments to vendor accounts. You can post only one type of batch at a time, but you can post a single batch, a range of batches, or all unposted batches of the chosen type.
Note: For an ICT company, the Batch Type option section is not available. In Intercompany Transactions, you can post only invoice batches.
- Post all batches that are Ready To Post, or specify a range of batches.
Batches are posted only if they are marked Ready To Post on the respective Batch List form.
Posting updates vendor records and creates transactions for the General Ledger
Posting updates vendor transaction information. It also updates statistics in vendor records. Posting also creates general ledger transactions for the accounts affected by the transactions.
You can add general ledger transactions to batches automatically during posting, if you use the Create G/L Transactions During Posting option, or you can add them, later, using the Create G/L Batch form.
Before you post batches
- Print listings of the batches you want to post.
- Ensure that no unprinted checks are included in any payment batches you want to post.
Normally, you use the Payment Batch List form to print checks for, then post, all the checks in a selected batch. If the batch contains few checks for printing, however, you might prefer to print them one at a time using the Payment Entry form.
- Assign Ready To Post status to open batches using the Invoice Batch List, Payment Batch List, or the Adjustment Batch List form, depending on the type of batch you want to post.
Force Listing of Batches
If you use the Force Listing Of Batches option, you must print batch listings for each batch you want to post. You must also print a new listing if you edit the batch after printing the batch listing.
Posting sequence numbers
Accounts Payable assigns a posting sequence number to each transaction during posting. Each time you post batches, Accounts Payable increases the posting sequence number by 1 for the type of batch.
You can look up the current posting sequence numbers in the Options form.
You cannot edit posted transactions
When you post a batch, its contents are transferred to the vendor accounts and you can no longer edit the transactions. You must enter adjustments or apply debit or credit notes to change any transactions you have already posted.
Printing posted transactions — Posting Journals and G/L Transactions Report
Each time you post, Accounts Payable creates a journal of the entries from the batches you posted together. These posting journals are an essential part of your audit trail, because they provide a record of all posted details and of the related general ledger distributions.
You can also print the G/L Transactions report each time you create general ledger transactions. The report lists all the distributions that were created for general ledger accounts when you posted batches. (In the Options form, you can choose whether to add the general ledger transactions to G/L batches automatically each time you post Accounts Payable batches or at a later time, using the Create G/L Batch form.)
You should keep your audit trail of posted transactions up to date by printing and filing each posting journal as it is created, and by regularly creating general ledger transactions and printing and filing the G/L Transactions report.
Delete imported batch source files after posting
Note that when you import and post a batch, the original file you imported still exists in the program where you created it. You should delete batches once you have imported and posted them, to avoid accidentally importing a batch twice.
CSV G/L batch if you do not use Sage Accpac
If you do not use Sage ERP Accpac General Ledger — or if your Sage ERP Accpac General Ledger system is at another location — Accounts Payable creates its general ledger transactions in a file called APGLTRAN.CSV, which can be imported by a remote site Sage ERP Accpac General Ledger, or transferred to another general ledger that you use. The file is in a Comma Separated Values (CSV) format.
All general ledger transactions are placed in the same CSV file. Each time Accounts Payable creates transactions it will ask you whether you want to add to the file, or replace it.
You should always add to the CSV file (choose the "Append" option). If you overwrite the file, you will destroy all transactions that are already in the file.
When you are ready to transfer the batch to your general ledger, copy the file to the computer or directory where your general ledger is located, and delete the original CSV file. Then make a backup copy of the CSV file.