Pay a Vendor's Invoice
Before you start
- If you use multicurrency accounting, update currency information and exchange rates in Common Services.
- Select the correct print destination.
- If you use optional fields, define the optional fields you want to use in Payment Entry.
To enter the payment:
- Open Accounts Payable > A/P Transactions > Payment Entry.
Click here for help with the fields on the Payment Entry form.
- Create
or select
the payment batch to use.
To create a new batch, click the New button beside the Batch Number field.
To select an open batch, use the Finder or the navigation buttons for the Batch Number field.
- Beside the Entry Number field, type a description of the payment transaction or other information you want to record.
- Select Payment as the transaction type, if it is not already displayed as the default.
- Enter the date for the payment, and, if necessary, change the fiscal year and period to which you are going to post the transaction.
- Enter vendor
- Type the vendor number, or select it using the Finder, then press the Tab key.
- If the payment is or someone other than the vendor type the name of the payee in the field next to the vendor number.
- Accept the payment code that appears, if it is correct, or use the Finder to choose the right code.
- Select the Print Check field if you are going to print the check from Accounts Payable, and specify the Check Language.
If you leave the field blank (because you are entering information for a manual check), enter the check number in the Check Number field.
- Unless you know the document number to which to apply the payment, click the Select checkbox, and then:
- Specify
the selection criteria (the document
and an optional starting number, balance, or date).
— Document Number, Purchase Order Number, Due Date, Order Number, Document Date, Current Balance —
- Click the Go () button to display the vendor's open documents of the selected type.
- Enter Yes in the Apply column for each document to which you want to apply the payment. To partially pay a document, type the amount to apply in the Applied Amount column.
- If you know the document number, or there are only a few documents for this vendor from which to choose:
- Click the first line in the detail-entry grid.
- In the Document Number field, enter the document number, or double-click the field to use the Finder ( ) to select the document.
- To partially pay a document, type the amount to apply in the Applied Amount column.
- If you are entering a partial payment for a job-related document, choose an apply method for the payment, and edit the distribution for the payment, if necessary.
- If you need to pay another document, press the Insert key on your keyboard to start another detail line.
- When finished, click Add or Save to add and apply the payment.
To cancel the application, click Close or select another entry number, then click No at the message that appears asking whether you want to save your changes.
After adding a vendor payment
- When you have finished adding payments to a batch, print the checks and post the payment batch.