Use the Vendors form to:
Add new vendor records.
Change or delete existing records.
You cannot delete a vendor that is used in an unposted document.
Review period and activity statistics.
For an overview of vendor records, see Setting Up Vendor Records
Click one of the links below for help using the corresponding tab:
To use the Vendors form
To select an existing record, type its vendor number or choose it from the Finder (click the Finder icon beside the Vendor Number field or press F5 with the cursor in the Vendor Number field).
To start a new vendor record, click the "New" icon next to the Vendor Number field.
To delete a vendor record, enter its vendor number, then click the Delete button. If a message appears asking you to confirm the deletion, choose Yes.
Click the tab you want to see.
Click Add or Save to keep any changes you make.
Click Close to leave without saving changes.
For information about specific tasks, choose from these topics: