Enter a Cash Invoice (Miscellaneous Payment)

Sage ERP Accpac Accounts Payable 6.0

Enter a Cash Invoice (Miscellaneous Payment)


A miscellaneous payment lets you issue a check to a person or company for which you have not set up a vendor record.

You can also enter a miscellaneous payment for an existing Accounts Payable vendor and create an invoice at the same time, so you do not have to enter the invoice separately in the Invoice Entry form. When you post the payment, Accounts Payable creates the invoice using the distribution information and tax information you entered with the payment, and assigns the prefix and next number specified on the options form for invoices.

You enter the payee name and address in the form that opens when you click the Zoom button beside the Remit-To field.

You enter the distribution details of the purchase in the detail entry grid at the bottom of the Payment Entry form in the same way as you enter distribution details on an invoice.

The distributions debit the general ledger accounts you specify and credit the bank account you chose for the batch.

Tip: If you have a large number of one-time vendors, you should add a "miscellaneous vendor" record, so you can process payments using Create Payment Batch and keep statistical data for this class of vendor. Make sure that you select the option Generate Separate Payments For Each Invoice for the miscellaneous vendor (on the Processing tab of the Vendors form).

To add a cash invoice or cash payment:

  1. Open Accounts Payable > A/P Transactions > Payment Entry.

Click here for help with the fields on the Payment Entry form.

  1. Use the Batch Number field to create a new payment batch or select an existing batch.
    • Click the New () button to create a new payment batch.
    • Use the navigation buttons () or the Finder () to select an existing payment batch.
  2. Enter a description for the payment (such as "Payment for camera").
  3. Create a new miscellaneous payment for the vendor.
    1. Click the New () button beside the Entry Number field.
    2. In the Transaction Type field, select Misc. Payment.
    3. If the payment is for an existing vendor, enter the vendor number or use the Finder for the Vendor Number field to select the vendor.
  1. Enter general information for the payment entry.
    • A description for the entry.
    • Payment date and posting date.

      The payment date is used as the check date, if you are paying by check.

      The posting date determines the year and period to which the payment is posted.

    • Payment code.
    • Remit-To (use the Zoom button or press F9 to display the remit-to fields, then enter the name you want to appear on the check, followed by the address).
    • Account Set.
    • Depending on the payment code you select, Print Check, Check Number, Check Language, or a cash account.
    • Payment amount and, for a multicurrency system, the currency.
    • Invoice Number.
    • Optional fields (if you use them).
    • Tax group.

      Use the Finder to select the tax group for the payer, if no tax group is displayed.

      If you entered the code for an existing vendor, the tax group specified in the vendor record appears, but you can change it.

  2. Enter distribution details for the payment.
    • If the payment is job-related, select the Job Related check box, then use the job-related fields that appear to distribute the payment to contracts, projects, categories, and resources, as required.
    • If the payment is not job-related, for each distribution detail, type the distribution code or the general ledger account number and the amount, then:
    1. Type the amount of the distribution. Note that you can enter a negative amount for a detail line. However, the document total must not be a negative amount.
    2. Type a reference.
    3. Type a description for the distribution.

    You can also type an optional reference and description.

  3. If you have a multicurrency ledger and you want to specify the exchange rate for the miscellaneous payment, click the Rates button. On the Rate Override form that appears, change the rate date and exchange rate, as necessary, then click OK.
  4. To check or change  the taxes calculated for the document (including the tax reporting amount), or to change the tax group for the document, click the Document Taxes button.
  5. To check the taxes calculated for a distribution detail, or to enter them manually if tax is not calculated automatically for the payment, select the detail, then click the Account/Tax button.
  6. If you have a multicurrency ledger and you want to specify the exchange rate for the miscellaneous payment, click the Rates button. On the Rate Override form that appears, change the rate date and exchange rate, as necessary, then click OK.

    In multicurrency ledgers, if the bank does not use the functional currency and you need to change the exchange rate information for the check, for the bank rate:

    • Type the rate type code or select it from the Finder.
    • Type the exchange rate or select it from the Finder.

    Note that your check will always be in the bank currency.

  7. When ready, click Add or Save.
  8. Click Close to close the Payment Entry form.

After distributing the payment

  • Print the Batch Listing report. Correct entries, if necessary, then reprint the listing for each corrected batch.

You must print batch listings before posting if you select the Force Listing Of All Batches option on the Vendor tab of the Options form. Once batches are correct, file the reports.

If any payments cannot be posted, Accounts Payable creates a new batch containing the transactions with errors.

  • If there are no checks in the payment batch, select the Ready To Post option for each batch in the Payment Batch List form and post them using the Post Batches form. Alternatively, select a batch on the Payment Batch List form, then click the Post button, and then click Yes when asked whether to set the batch Ready To Post.
  • Accounts Payable creates a paid invoice when you post a miscellaneous payment for an Accounts Payable vendor.

Additional information

If you are entering a payment for a one-time vendor, for whom you do not create a vendor record, Accounts Payable does not create an invoice when you post the payment.

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