Processing Payments
Accounts Payable provides two ways to enter payments:
- Use the Payment Entry form to create new payment batches manually and enter payments one-by-one.
You can issue checks or other payments manually, then use Payment Entry to record the checks, or you can enter payments in Accounts Payable and use Payment Entry to print the checks.
- Use the Create Payment Batch form to create batches of checks automatically.
Once you generate payment entries, you can list them, edit them using the Payment Entry form, print the checks, and post the transactions to vendor accounts.
For an overview of the Payment Entry form, see Payment Entry form — overview.
For an overview of system-generated checks, see Create Payment Batch form — overview.
Payment Entry form
Use the Payment Entry form to record transactions such as payments of C.O.D. charges, cash advances, prepayments, and payments to vendors who are not defined in your Accounts Payable system. You can also use Payment Entry to import payment batches from non-Sage ERP Accpac programs.
You can open the Payment Entry form by choosing the icon from the Transactions folder or by clicking the New button on the Payment Batch List form.
Create Payment Batch form
You can use very precise criteria to select the transactions for which checks will be generated, as well as specify exception vendor lists, and use payment controls to force or hold payments. Accounts Payable generates and prints system checks for current payables when you use the Create Payment Batch form.
Checks and payment advices
You can change the information that appears on, and the layout of, printed checks and advices. For more information on customizing checks, see the documentation that comes with Crystal Reports.