Look Up Remit-to Locations for a Vendor

Sage ERP Accpac Accounts Payable 6.0

Look Up Remit-to Locations for a Vendor

To display a list of remit-to locations for a vendor:

  1. Open Accounts Payable > Vendors  >  Remit-to Locations.

Click here for help on the fields on the Remit-to Locations form.

  1. Type the vendor number or select it from the Finder beside the Vendor No. Field.

The Remit-To Locations columns display the remit-to location code, the name of the location, and the address and zip or postal code for each remit-to location record you have entered for the vendor.

To work with a remit-to location record from the list:

  1.  Select the location from the list, then click:
  • Open to open the record for editing.


  • New to start a new remit-to location record for the vendor.


  • Delete to delete the remit-to location record.
  1. Once you have displayed a record, you can:
  • Edit the location

    Enter its code or choose it from the Finder next to the Remit-To Code field.

    Note that you cannot set the remit-to location inactive or delete it if there are unposted documents that use the location.

  • Start a new remit-to locationClick the "New" button — — next to the Remit-To Code field.

When you open a record for editing or create a new record, you can enter special instructions and the tax group that applies to the remit-to location. This information appears as default entries when you select the remit-to location while adding invoices, credit notes, or debit notes for the vendor. (You change the information for a particular document.)

  • Delete a location

    Enter its code, then click the Delete button. If a message appears asking you to confirm the deletion, click Yes. Skip the remaining steps in this section.

    Note that you cannot delete a remit-to location if there are unposted documents that use the location.

  • View remit-to locations for a different vendorType a different vendor number or choose it from the Finder (click the Finder icon beside the Vendor Number field or press F5 with the insertion point in the Vendor Number field).
  1. Click the tab you want to see. (Click the links shown above for descriptions of tabs.)
  2. Click Add or Save to keep any changes you make.

Click Close to leave without saving changes.

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