Enter an Invoice, Credit Note, or Debit Note
- For an overview of invoice entry, see Processing invoices, credit notes, debit notes, and interest charges.
- For an overview of tax calculation on invoices, see Calculating Tax — Overview.
Before adding an invoice, credit note, debit note, or interest invoice
- Make sure you have complete information for each document you want to enter, including the vendor number, document number, date, and purchase order number, if any.
- Determine the distribution code or general ledger account number, item number, unit of measure, quantity, and price for each detail.
- Find out the rate type, rate date, and exchange rate to use for each invoice, credit note, debit note, and prepayment and, if necessary, update the currency information and exchange rates in Common Services.
- If retainage applies to the document, find out the retainage percentage or retainage amount, retention period, retainage due date, retainage terms, and whether to use the exchange rate from the original document or the current exchange rate when you process the outstanding retainage.
- For more information on what you need to do before creating invoice batches, see Before creating batches.
To add an invoice, credit note, debit note, or interest invoice:
- Open Accounts Payable > A/P Transactions > Invoice Entry.
Click here for help on the fields that appear on the Invoice Entry form.
- Select
an existing batch
or create
a new batch.
To select an existing batch, move the insertion point to the Batch Number field, and then do one of the following:
- Click the Finder or press F5 to list existing batches. Highlight the batch you need, and then click Select.
- Use the navigation buttons to move through existing batches to quickly display the one you need.
- Type the number of the batch you want to add to or edit, then press Tab.
To view header information for a batch:
- Display the batch (as described above).
- Click the Zoom () button beside the Batch Number field to display the Batch Information form.
To create a new batch for invoices, credit notes, debit notes, or interest charges:
- Click the New button beside the Batch Number field.
- Type a batch description in the field next to the batch number.
- In the Batch Date field, enter a date for the new batch, or accept the session date.
- Use
the Entry Number field to select the entry,
then enter a description for the entry.
You can:
- Click the New button to start a new document.
- Click the Finder or press F5 to select an entry from a list of existing documents.
- Use the navigation buttons to move quickly through the existing entries to display the one you need.
- Type the number of the entry you want to edit, then press the Tab key.
- Enter
header information on the Document tab.
Enter the following information for the document:
- Originator. This is the company code for the Intercompany Transactions company that is originating the transaction. If the open company is not an ICT company, the Originator field does not appear.
- Vendor number. Note that the vendor determines the currency of the invoice in multicurrency ledgers.
- Remit-to Location code (and address information if address is different).
- 1099/CPRS code and amount (if vendor is subject to 1099/CPRS reporting; if not, the field is not displayed).
- Document type. Invoice, Debit Note, Credit Note, Interest.
- Apply to document. Optional for credit notes and debit notes.
- Document number. Number on the invoice, debit note, credit note, or interest charge.
- Document date. For aging and statistical purposes.
- Year/Period. Year and period to which you want to post the document.
- Document total. Invoice total including taxes.
- Purchase order and sales order numbers.
- If this is a job-related invoice, select the Job Related option, then enter the job-related information for each detail. (See Entering job-related Invoices for more information.)
- Enter
distribution details
in the detail entry grid.
- If this is an ICT company, select destinations and route numbers. (For more information about ICT entries, see the Intercompany Transactions online help.)
- If this is a job-related document, enter the contract and project, and (as applicable) the category and resource.
- If this is not a job-related document, and you want to distribute the document total by distribution set, enter distribution information as follows:
Distribution Set. Accept or change a displayed code, as needed, or enter a code if none appears, and you want to use a distribution set.
Distribution Amount. Type the total amount to be distributed in the details created by the distribution set.
This total does not have to be the full amount you have to distribute. For example, after creating distribution details from a distribution set, you may need to add distribution lines for general ledger accounts that are not included in the distribution set.
Click the Create Distribution button to create the distribution details specified by the distribution set you selected. You can then edit the distributions.
If you are not using a distribution set, skip this step.
- Add or edit distribution lines as follows:
Dist. Code. Accept or change a displayed code, as needed. You can also enter a distribution code if none appears, or leave the field blank, then enter the general ledger account number.
A distribution code is displayed if the vendor record is set up to distribute by distribution code or if you use the Create Dist. button to create distributions from a distribution set.
Description. Type a description for the distribution detail.
G/L Account. Accept or change a displayed account number, as needed.
- In the Amount column, enter or edit the amount of each distribution detail.
The portion of the document total that you distribute in this step depends on how you specify taxes.
You distribute the document total net of taxes (not including tax amounts) if:
- You will enter tax amounts manually on the Taxes tab (you use Enter or Distribute as the tax entry method).
- You will have Accounts Payable calculate tax automatically and tax is not included in distribution amounts (you use Calculate as the tax entry method and No is selected in the Tax Included column on the Taxes tab).
You distribute the document total, including taxes, if
- You will have Accounts Payable calculate tax automatically and taxes are included in the document total you want to distribute (Calculate is the tax entry method and Yes appears in the Tax Included column on the Taxes tab).
- More than one tax applies to the document, and one tax is included while another is not included. You then distribute the document total net only of the tax amount that is not included.
- Enter retainage separately for each detail
If retainage applies to the document you are adding, enter the retainage percentage or amount, the retention period, and the retention due date for the detail.
- Enter an optional comment.
- If you use optional fields, click the Optional Fields Zoom button to check, change, or add optional fields for the detail.
To check or change the general ledger accounts and tax information for a detail, click the Account/Tax button. (Click Close to return to the Invoice Entry form.)
- Check to be sure
you have distributed all document amounts
before you calculate tax for the document.
After distributing taxes, you should have distributed all document amounts, and the Undistributed Amount field should show zeros.
If the Undistributed Amount field does not show zeros, you have distributed either more or less than the total amount to distribute. Click the Totals tab to see the document summary information, so you can find out where the mistake occurred.
For example:
- If the Undistributed Amount contains a positive number, you have not distributed the total invoice. (If you used Calculate or Distribute as the tax entry method and tax is included, you must also distribute the tax amount.)
- If the Undistributed Amount is a negative amount (with a minus sign or in parentheses), check to see whether you accidentally distributed the taxes.
- To check or change taxes for the document, click the Taxes tab.
- Click the Distribute Taxes button to allocate tax to each of the distributions in the list. The amounts are displayed in the Allocated Tax column.
- You can edit the tax amount that was allocated to each distribution detail if you select Enter as the tax entry method on the Taxes tab.
- On an invoice from which retainage will be deducted, use the Retainage tab to specify terms for the retainage document. In a multicurrency ledger, you also specify which rate to use when you process the retainage.
- Click the Terms tab, then enter Payment terms.
- If you use invoice optional fields, click the Optional Fields tab to view or edit the optional fields assigned to this invoice.
- If the document does not use the functional currency and you need to edit the exchange rate, rate date, or rate type, use the Rates tab to adjust them.
- Click Add to add this document to the batch.
- If you need to enter a prepayment for the invoice, click Prepay to add it now.
After adding the invoice
- Print the invoice.
- Print the Batch Listing report. Make corrections, if needed, and then reprint the listing for each corrected batch.
You must print batch listings before posting batches, if the Force Listing Of All Batches option is selected on the A/P Options form. File the printed reports for your audit trail.