Posting Batches
Posting accomplishes the following tasks. It:
- Updates vendor accounts with the transaction information entered in batches.
- Updates the vendor and vendor group statistics.
- Creates general ledger transaction information for the G/L accounts affected by the transactions.
Posting creates G/L batches for the transactions if you use the Create G/L Transactions During Posting option. If you do not use the option, the G/L transaction information is stored for later addition to a G/L batch.
- Creates transactions to realize gains or losses due to changes in exchange rates (if payments are settling invoice transactions). These transactions affect the General Ledger only.
- Updates bank services with payment amounts and check numbers (if printing and posting checks).
- Updates 1099/CPRS information for vendors who are subject to 1099/CPRS reporting (with tax information from invoices and payment totals from payments).
- Creates a posting journal for each group of batches posted at the same time.
- Updates the posting sequence numbers for each type of batch listed on the Numbering tab of the Options form.
- If you create General Ledger transactions during posting, updates the sequence numbers for the General Ledger batches on the Integration tab of the Integration form.
- Updates the status of each batch that was posted.
Posting sequence numbers
Accounts Payable assigns a posting sequence number to each transaction during posting. The same sequence number is assigned to all transactions that are posted together. Posting sequence numbers provide another way to trace posted transactions back to source documents.
Each time you post batches, Accounts Payable increases the posting sequence number by 1, and updates the posting sequence numbers that are displayed in the Options form. You can look up the current posting sequence numbers in the Options form to be sure you have up-to-date copies of posting journals and G/L Transactions reports.
Accounts Payable uses a separate numbering sequence for each type of batch (invoice, payment, and adjustment).
Posted batches are automatically deleted
When you post a batch, its contents are transferred to the vendor accounts.
However, transactions in a posted batch cannot be edited. To change posted transactions, you enter adjustments or apply debit notes or credit notes.
When you post an imported batch, it is automatically deleted only from Accounts Payable. You should also delete the batch file from the program where you created it, to avoid accidentally importing the batch twice.
Preparing to post batches
You take the following steps to post batches:
- Print listings of the batches you want to post.
- Choose the Ready To Post option for each batch you want to post.
Posting invoices and adjustments
You can post invoices and adjustments in two different ways:
- Post individual batches from the Invoice Batch List form or Adjustment Batch List form.
- Post one or more Ready To Post batches in a range using the Post Invoice Batches or individually in the Post Adjustment Batches form.
Posting payment batches and printing checks
You post payment batches using the Print/Post button in the Payment Batch List form.
Print/Post is a two-stage process. Accounts Payable first prints any checks in the batch that have not been printed using the Payment Entry form and posts the check information to Bank Services if the print run was successful.
Once the check data has been posted to Bank Services (this happens when you leave the Print Checks form), the program proceeds to the payment posting stage.
If all checks in the batch have been printed or if the payment batch did not contain any checks for printing, Print/Post skips the printing step, and proceeds directly to post the payment information to vendor accounts.
Payment posting applies all payment information to vendor accounts, and creates a Payment Posting Journal and a Check Register, which are the audit trail reports of the checks that were produced to pay vendors.
Posting errors
If errors are found in a batch during posting, the incorrect transactions are not posted. Instead, they are placed in a new batch that uses the next available batch number.
The details of the incorrect transactions are printed in an error report which you print separately from the posting journal. If checks were printed for any of the incorrect entries, the word "Printed" appears with the transaction on the error report.