Print a Check from Payment Entry
Before printing a check
- Adapt the layout of the check forms shipped with Accounts Payable to match your checks. (You use Crystal Reports to customize printed forms for Accounts Payable.)
- Select the check form and enter the next check number for the payment bank in Bank Services. See the Tax and Bank Services Help.
- Add the check you want to print in the Payment Entry form.
Note: Once you print a check, you cannot edit it. If you delete a check before it is posted, Accounts Payable will void the check in Bank Services.
To print a check:
- Open the Payment Entry form, select or enter the check you want to print. (You cannot print the check until you add the transaction. The check can be a payment, prepayment, or miscellaneous payment.)
- Select the Print Check option, if it is not selected.
- Click the Print
Check button
to open the Print Checks form.
Once you add a transaction with Print Check selected, the Print Check button becomes available for you to print the check.
Note these points:
- The check stock is set in Bank Services, but you can change it here, if necessary.
- An Advice file name appears only if you are printing separate payment advices.
- The check status is "Not Printed."
When a check (and advice, if printed) is printed successfully, the status changes to "Printed." If the check is printed, but you have not yet printed the advice, the status is "Advice Not Printed."
If you are not ready to print this check, click the Close button. When a message appears warning you that "Not all checks have been printed," click Yes to leave the Print Checks form, cancel the check run, and void the printed checks. (None were printed.)
- Click the Align button to print an alignment check. (The alignment check prints Xs in place of numbers and letters on a check form, so you can see that the check forms are inserted properly in the printer.)
Align always prints to your printer, no matter what print destination you selected for Sage ERP Accpac. Make sure your printer is ready before you choose Align.
- Click the Print button to print the current check. When the check has been printed, a message appears asking whether the check was successfully printed.
If the check was printed and is correct, click Yes.
If you are not printing a payment advice, Accounts Payable posts the check information to Bank Services and closes the Print Checks form, returning you to the Payment Entry form.
Once the check information has been posted to Bank Services, you cannot edit the payment entry or reprint the check. If necessary, you can delete the payment entry (until you post it), which voids the check in Bank Services.
If you need to reprint the check, click No. Then reset the status of the check to Not Printed. You can change the status in one of two ways:
- Double-click or press the Spacebar in the Check Status column.
If you printed Advices, then said No to the message that asked whether the advices were printed successfully, you will cycle through all three possible statuses by double-clicking.
- Click the Select Reprint Range button.
The Select Reprint Range form appears, letting you specify a range of checks.
- If you are also printing payment advices after printing checks (the choice of Checks Then Advices), a message appears when the check is successfully printed asking you to insert the advice stock in the printer and click the OK button.
As with checks, the program lets you confirm that you inserted the payment advice forms in the printer.
- Once the advice has been printed, you confirm that it was printed properly — as you did with the check.
If the advice was printed and is correct, click Yes.
- Accounts Payable posts the check information to Bank Services, and closes the Print Checks form, returning you to the Payment Entry form.
You cannot edit the payment entry or reprint the check once the information is posted to Bank Services. If necessary, you can delete the payment entry, which voids the check in Bank Services.
If you need to reprint the advice, click No. Then reset the status of the check to "Advice Not Printed." You can change the status in one of two ways:
- Double-click in the Check Status column. You can reset the status to Not Printed (to reprint the check) or to Advice Not Printed (to reprint the advice only).
- Choose the Select Reprint Range button to reset the status to Advice Not Printed.
- If the check was not printed properly, but you cannot reprint it at this time:
- Click No when asked whether the check was printed successfully.
- Reset the check status to Not Printed.
- Click the Close button. A message appears stating that not all checks have been printed, and asking whether you want to cancel the check run.
- Click Yes to cancel the print run and void the current check number. (The number will otherwise be assigned a Void status when you reprint the check.)
If you do not cancel the check run, Accounts Payable sets the batch status to Check Printing In Progress, and you cannot edit the batch until you reset the status to Open.
After printing a check
- Print the Batch Listing and print the Check Register.
- Post the payment batch using the Payment Batch List form.
Related information
To print batches of checks, you use the Print/Post button on the Payment Batch List form. Check batches are generated in the Create Payment Batch form. For instructions on printing check batches, see Printing checks and posting a payment batch.