Unpacking Your Pack
Half-Life stores the majority of it's content in PAK files. The PAK file is an archive that contains files in a specific directory structure that the game can read from.
For editing purposes, it is most preferable when some or all of a PAK's contents is "unpacked" - that is, that the contents reside in their normal directory structure rather than inside the PAK file.
There are a number of benefits to having the PAK file.
easy access to sounds, sprites, and model files.
- for mod makers, easy to add and remove contents
- makes it possible to "browse" for content
in the editor's entity properties, where applicable
- make it possible for the editor to display sprites in the 3D view (Hammer does not read out of the PAK file)
The first thing you need is a program capable of browsing and editing the PAK file. Wally is a good tool for this, since it's also a fantastic texture editor and is freely available. You can get Wally from it's website, here -
Unpacking PAK contents is pretty
simple. The following example shows how to unpack the Sprite folder.
Load Wally and click on Open in the File menu. Browse to the Half-Life folder. Double-click on the valve folder. Click on pak0.pak and press the Open button.
- A window will
open with the contents of the PAK file displayed. Right-click on the
Sprites folder and select Export. In the Destination text box, browse
to and select the valve folder inside your Half-Life folder.
- Press the Ok
button to extract the files.
- That's it.
It's important to maintain the correct directory structure of files. If you're unpacking a PAK that is in a specific game directory, the unpacked files should be exported only to that game directory.