Options: Build Programs
The Build Programs options allow you to setup configuration specific compile programs.
Game executable - This should be the Half-Life executable file (hl.exe). Simply browse to your Half-Life folder, select hl.exe, and press the Open button. The value entered here links to the $game_exe variable in the advanced compile mode.
- The CSG program should be specified here. The normal Valve version
is qcsg.exe. In the example above, Zoner's compile tools are used, so
it is hlcsg.exe. The value entered here links to the $csg_exe
variable in the advanced compile mode.
- As above, for the BSP program. The value entered here links to the
$bsp_exe variable in the advanced compile mode.
executable -
As above, for the VIS program. The value entered here links to the
$vis_exe variable in the advanced compile mode.
- As above, for the RAD (lighting) program. The value entered here
links to the $light_exe variable in the advanced compile mode.
- Place compiled maps in this directory before running the game - The value entered here links to the $bspdir variable in the advanced compile mode. In the normal compile mode, this indicates where the compiled map will be placed.
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