Hotkey Reference
Shift+S - Pointer Tool
- Shift+G - Magnify Tool
- Shift+C - Camera Tool
- Shift+E - Entity Tool
- Shift+B - Block Tool
- Shift+A - Texture App Tool
- Shift+T - Apply Current Texture
- Shift+D - Decal Tool
- Shift+X - Clipping Tool
- Shift+V - Vertex Manipulation Tool
- Shift+P - Path Tool
Ctrl+C - copy objects to clipboard (also ctrl+insert)
- Ctrl+V - paste objects from clipboard (also shift+insert)
- Ctrl+X - cut objects to clipboard (also shift+del)
- Ctrl+E - center on selection (vertex/object) in all views
- Shift+Q - clear selections
- PgUp - previous selection in "hit" list
- PgDn - next selection in "hit" list
[ - grid lower
- ] - grid higher
- Shift+R - toggle grid on/off
- Shift+W - toggle snap to grid
- p - (with mouse cursor in 3D view) toggle 3D grid on and off
Ctrl+G - group objects
- Ctrl+U - ungroup objects
Ctrl+Shift+C - carve
- Ctrl+H - hollow
Creating Objects
Enter - create object drawn with block/entity tool
- Alt+Shift+C - insert original prefab
- Ctrl+R - create prefab with selected objects
- Ctrl+T - create entity with selected objects; to add objects to an existing entity, select it and the objects and hit Ctrl+T (you will be prompted)
Other Object Operations
Ctrl+B - snap selected objects to grid (based on bounding box)
- Alt+Enter - selected object's properties
File Stuff
Ctrl+N - new file
- Ctrl+O - open file
- Ctrl+S - save file
Ctrl+Z - undo
- Ctrl+Y - redo
2D Views
Ctrl+I - flip vertical
- Ctrl+L - flip horizontal
- Tab - switch view types (top/side/front)
- +/- - zoom in/out (hold Ctrl to synchronize all 2D views)
- 1 to 9 - preset zoom levels
- Space - hold space and left mouse button to drag view
- Alt - disable snap to grid while dragging with the mouse
3D View
Space - While holding the spacebar:
holding the left mouse button allows you to rotate your angle of view in any direction, while the viewing point remains stationary.
- holding the right mouse button will allow you to move left, right, up, and down while keeping the viewing angle constant.
Space+Shift - While holding the spacebar and Shift:
the left mouse button acts the same as above.
- the right mouse button allows you to move forward and backward, as well as from side to side.
z - Pressing the (lowercase) z puts the editor 3D view into its new "noclip" mode (this mode can be disabled in the 3D options dialog)
the mouse acts like +mlook is on (moving it around will change the player's direction of focus).
- W - forward
- S - backward
- A - strafe left
- D - strafe right
Shift+Right-mouse-click - will select an entire brush and bring up the 3D View context menu, as above.
- p - (with mouse cursor in 3D view) toggle 3D grid
on and off
- o - (with mouse cursor in 3D view) display frames per second and yaw/pitch of camera.
Morph Tool
Ctrl+F - split faces (vertex manipulation) - must have two edges or vertices selected
- Alt+E - vertex scaling
Selection Tool
Ctrl - hold Ctrl and click to select multiple objects
- Shift - hold Shift when rotating to constrain
rotation to 15 degrees; hold Shift when moving an object to create a
copy (clone) of that object
- (drag) - hold left mouse button and drag to select with a box; press Enter to select objects hitting the box, or press Shift+Enter to select objects only entirely within the box.
Camera Tool
Shift - create a new camera by holding Shift and dragging with the left mouse button.
- PgUp - cycle to the previous camera position
- PgDn - cycle to the next camera position
- Delete - delete the current camera position
Clipper Tool
Enter - perform clip
- Ctrl - hold Ctrl and drag with the left mouse
button to move both handles of the clipper
- Shift - hold Shift and drag with the left mouse
button to create a new clip plane without performing the previous clip.
- o - (with mouse cursor in 2D view) toggle clip sizes on and off
Alt+B - export again
- Ctrl+A - auto-size 4 views to center
- Shift - (while in Texture Application mode) select
entire object
- Shift+L - texture lock
- Shift+Z - maximize/restore view
- Ctrl+M - transform dialog
- Alt+P - check map for errors
- F9 - run map
- Escape - abort current tool/mouse operation (drag/drop)