Philips SJA1000 CAN Controller


Philips SJA1000 CAN Controller

All NI CAN Series 2 and USB-847x CAN hardware uses the Philips SJA1000 controller to implement the CAN protocol. This chip is CAN 2.0B compatible, and supports both 11-bit and 29-bit identifiers. Using the NI-CAN software package with the SJA1000 enables features such as:

  • Listen only mode—In this mode, the CAN controller does not provide an acknowledge signal on the bus, even if a message is received successfully. This mode is useful for passively monitoring a CAN bus. This feature is provided as the Listen Only attribute of the Frame API and the Interface Listen Only property of the Channel API.
  • 64-byte receive FIFO—Helps prevent data overrun errors.
  • Single/dual acceptance filter—Allows flexible filtering of CAN messages through programming of acceptance mask and comparator registers. This feature is provided as the Series 2 Filter Mode attribute of the Frame API and the Interface Series 2 Filter Mode property of the Channel API.
  • Self-reception request—When enabled, a successfully transmitted message is received simultaneously. This feature is provided as the Self Reception attribute of the Frame API and the Interface Self Reception property of the Channel API.
  • Read/Write access to error counters—These counters are provided as the Receive (and Transmit) Error Counter attribute of the Frame API, and the Interface Receive (and Transmit) Error Counter property of the Channel API.