Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)


Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)

Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) provides access to all of the National Instruments products. Like other NI software products, NI-CAN uses MAX as the centralized location for all configuration and tools.

To launch MAX, select the Measurement & Automation shortcut on the desktop, or within the Windows Programs menu under National InstrumentsĀ»Measurement & Automation.

For information on the NI-CAN software within MAX, consult the online help within MAX.

A reference is located in the MAX Help menu under Help TopicsĀ»NI-CAN.

View help for items in the MAX Configuration tree by using the built-in MAX help pane. If this help pane is not shown on the far right, select the Show/Hide button in the upper right.

View help for a dialog box by selecting the Help button in the window.