Channel API for C


Channel API for C

This topic lists the NI-CAN functions and describes the format, purpose and parameters.

Unless otherwise stated, each NI-CAN function suspends execution of the calling thread until it completes. The functions in this topic are listed alphabetically.

Section Headings

The following are section headings found in the Channel API for C functions.


Each function description includes a brief statement of the purpose of the function.


The format section describes the format of each function for the C programming language.

Input and Output

The input and output parameters for each function are listed.


The description section gives details about the purpose and effect of each function.

Data Types

The following data types are used with functions of the NI-CAN Channel API for C.

Data Type Purpose
i8 8-bit signed integer
i16 16-bit signed integer
i32 32-bit signed integer
u8 8-bit unsigned integer
u16 16-bit unsigned integer
u32 32-bit unsigned integer
f32 32-bit floating point number
f64 64-bit floating point number
str ASCII string represented as an array of characters terminated by null character ('\0'). This type is used with output strings.
cstr ASCII string represented as an array of characters terminated by null character ('\0'). This type is used with input strings.
nctTypeTaskRef Reference to an initialized task. Refer to nctInitStart for more information.
nctTypeStatus Status returned from NI-CAN functions. Refer to ncStatusToString in the Frame API for more information.
nctTypeTimestamp Timestamp. Refer to nctReadTimestamped for more information.

List of Functions

The following table contains an alphabetical list of the NI-CAN Channel API for C functions.

Function Purpose
nctClear Stops communication for the task and then clears the configuration.
nctConnectTerminals Connects terminals in the CAN hardware.
nctCreateMessage Creates a message configuration and associated channel configurations within the application.
nctCreateMessageEx Creates a message configuration and associated channel configurations within the application. nctCreateMessageEx allows you to create normal CAN channels and mode dependent channels. For more information, refer to Mode Dependent Channels.
nctDisconnectTerminals Disconnects terminals in the CAN hardware.
nctGetNames Gets an array of CAN channel names or message names from MAX or a CAN database file.
nctGetNamesLength Gets the required size for a specified list of channels to allocate an array for the ChannelList input of nctGetNames.
nctGetProperty Gets a property for the task, or a single channel within the task.
nctInitialize Initializes a task for the specified channel list.
nctInitStart Initializes a task for the specified channel list, then starts communication.
nctRead Reads samples from a CAN task initialized with Mode of nctModeInput. Samples are obtained from received CAN messages.
nctReadTimestamped Reads samples from a CAN task initialized with Mode of nctModeTimestampedInput.
nctSetProperty Sets a property for the task, or a single channel within the task.
nctStart Starts communication for the specified task.
nctStop Stops communication for the specified task.
nctWrite Writes samples to a CAN task initialized as NctModeOutput. Samples are placed into transmitted CAN messages.