Visual Styles
Example 197 - Rating: common
Example 197 - Rating: common
The Things that Make Up this Example | To Execute this Example |
Use this example to compare and contrast visual styles in various situations.
In this example you execute the form S_179FA and then choose the kind of visual style example form you want to see:

For example the read-only visual styles example shows the effect of applying visual styles which indicate that a field is read-only:

The warning and list styles form shows the effect of different visual styles for warning and lists:

Notes and Suggestions
Note how the use of style #VS_NORM for a form usually improves the appearance over *NULL.
Note also how sizing the form in the graphs example changes the appearance. In particular, note how the description of the Y axis of the graph appears and disappears, depending on the form size and the graph style.
In this example you execute the form S_179FA and then choose the kind of visual style example form you want to see:

For example the read-only visual styles example shows the effect of applying visual styles which indicate that a field is read-only:

The warning and list styles form shows the effect of different visual styles for warning and lists:

Notes and Suggestions
Note how the use of style #VS_NORM for a form usually improves the appearance over *NULL.
Note also how sizing the form in the graphs example changes the appearance. In particular, note how the description of the Y axis of the graph appears and disappears, depending on the form size and the graph style.
Example 197 | Visual Styles |
Graph Visual Styles |