To Execute this Example


To Execute this Example
Expandable Menus The Things that Make Up this ExampleCustomize the ExampleBefore You Execute Web Functions

Open a browser session.

In the address entry field of the browser type:



nnn.nnn.nnn.nnnis the IP address of the web server you are connecting to
xxis the port number where your web server has been configured to run. If your web server uses the default port 80, this parameter is not required.
ppp is the partition identifier of the partition where you imported the material

The SET011 example is composed of five functions:

SET011E starts the application and kicks off simultaneously SET011A which after some processing calls SET011B. The other two functions are SET011C and SET011D.
  • Initially, a menu of Departments appears on the left frame and the SET logo occupies the right hand side of the screen.
  • Moving the mouse over the folders makes them expand/collapse. As they expand, they show a list of all Sections belonging to the expanded Department.
  • Clicking on a Section will present a list of all the Employees who belong to it. The list will show the Employee’s number and full name.
  • To view further Employee details, click on a radio button next to any of the entries in the list. A panel below the list of Employees will include other Employee details like the address, telephone numbers, etc. as well as a list of the Employee’s skills.