<!-- The DIV tag defines a division in your web page. You might be required to modify some or all of the properties -->
<!-- specified in this DIV tag : -->
<!-- position:absolute means the DIV will always be placed according to the values in left: and top: changing it to relative-->
<!-- will position the DIV according to the values in left: and top: but relative to the preceding HTML element -->
<!-- left: and top: specifies the position in pixels relative to the left and top of the browser window or the preceding -->
<!-- HTML element depending on whether the value of the position: is absolute or relative-->
<!-- height: and width: specify the height and width of the DIV. -->
<!-- overflow:auto adds the scrollbar to the DIV when the contents of it overflow the size of it. -->

<DIV id="message_pressentation" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:122px;height:60px; width:100%;overflow:auto;">
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<TD align="left"><UL>
<LI><font face="arial" size=2 color="blue"><RDML MESSAGES></font><BR>
