The Things that Make Up this Example


The Things that Make Up this Example
Generic Searching with SQL To Execute this Example

If you imported the SET example materials, these objects have been created for you in the repository:
ProcessSET_010 Process for this example.
FunctionSET010AFunction SET010Select employee based on partial employee number
FieldEMPNO A 5 0Employee Number
FieldGIVENAMEA 20 0Employee Given Name(s)
FieldIO$STS A 2 0Data base I/O operation status code
FieldPHONEHME A 15 0Home Phone Number
FieldPOSTCODE S 6 0Post / Zip Code
FieldSTD_CODEL A 6 0Standard CODE LONG
FieldSTD_TEXT A 50 0Standard TEXT
FieldSURNAME A 20 0Employee Surname