LANSA for the WEB Component S_171ACALENDAR


LANSA for the WEB Component S_171ACALENDAR
<script language="JavaScript">
// Default it to 1 if this is NULL
// Date Format 1 - YYYY/MM/DD
// Date Format 2 - MM/DD/YYYY
// Date Format 3 - DD/MM/YYYY
// Date Format 4 - DD/MM/YY
// Date Format 5 - MM/DD/YY
// Date Format 6 - YY/MM/DD

var DateFormat;
var FieldName = "";

function isBrowserSupp() {
// Get the version of the browser
version = parseFloat( navigator.appVersion );
if ( ( version >= 2.0 ) && ( version < 2.1 ) && ( navigator.appName.indexOf( "Netscape" ) != -1 ) ) {
return false;
else {
return true;
function getDaysInMonth(mthIdx, YrStr)
 // all the rest have 31
 var maxDays=31

 // expect FEB. (of course)

 if (mthIdx==2)
 if (isLeapYear(YrStr))
  else {maxDays=28;}}
 // thirty days hath...
 if (mthIdx==4 || mthIdx==6 || mthIdx==9 || mthIdx==11)
  { maxDays=30;}
 return maxDays;
function isLeapYear(yrStr)
 var leapYear=false;

 if ((parseInt(yrStr, 10)%4) == 0)
 {leapYear=true;}return leapYear;

//Calendar Section
//calculation functions
function nextMonth(month)
 if (month==12)
{return 1;}else{return (month+1);}

function prevMonth(month)
 var prevMonth = (month-1)
 if (month==1){prevMonth = 12;}return prevMonth

//increments or decrements month when it goes past JAN or DEC
function changeYear(direction,month,year)
 var theYear = year
 if (direction=="next")
 {if (month == 12){
   theYear = (year+1)
 if (direction=="prev")
  if (month == 1)
  { theYear = (year-1)}
}return theYear


//opens a new window for the calendar
function createCalendar(Wwidth, Wheight, Wtop, Wleft,format, fieldname)
// Sets the global DateFormat and Fieldname here
DateFormat = format;
FieldName = fieldname;

// Build the Calendar Windows HTML
var opt = "width=" + Wwidth + ",height=" + Wheight + ",top=" + Wtop + ",left=" + Wleft + ",resizable=no,scrollbars=no";
 if (!isBrowserSupp())
  alert("Your browser is outdated and does not support this feature")
 if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac",0) != -1)
calendarWindow ="","Calendar", opt);
  calendarWindow ="","Calendar", opt);
var today = new Date();
var mthIdx = today.getMonth();
var mthVal = today.getMonth() + 1;
var yearVal = today.getYear();

// If year returned is 100 (in Netscape Version 4.0x and below)
// Subtract 100 to give you just 00

if (yearVal == 100) yearVal = yearVal - 100;

// If year is between 00 and 50, assume that the year is in the 2000 era.
// otheriwse assume year is in the 1900 era

if ((yearVal >= 00) && (yearVal <= 50))
// if year is 00, add 2000 to give you a 4 digit year
yearVal = yearVal + 2000;
if (yearVal.length <= 2)
// If year is NOT between 00 and 50, ad 1900 to assume its in the 1900 era.
  yearVal = yearVal + 1900;

//call the function to populate the window

//generates the meat of the calendar
function generateCalendar(target,month,year)
if (!isBrowserSupp())
 var monthName = new Array ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")
 //begin table for calendar;
 calendar = "<html><head><title>Calendar</title></head><body bgcolor='white' topmargin=2 leftmargin=2><div align='center'>"
 calendar +="<table border=0 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=0>"
 calendar +="<tr valign=top>"

 var mthIdx = parseInt(month, 10);

 var endday = getDaysInMonth(mthIdx, year)

 //next month and previous month buttons

 var goPrevMonth = prevMonth(mthIdx)

 var goNextMonth = nextMonth(mthIdx)

 var nextYear = changeYear("next",parseInt(month, 10),parseInt(year, 10))

 var prevYear = changeYear("prev",parseInt(month, 10),parseInt(year, 10))
 var index = (mthIdx-1)

 //month header

  calendar +="<form><td align=left colspan=7 bgcolor=#A7CCDC><table width='100%' border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td><a href='javascript:void(0)' onClick='document.clear();opener.generateCalendar(opener.calendarWindow,"+goPrevMonth+","+
prevYear+")'><img border=0 src='<RDML MERGE="*LW3SETCALPREV">'></B></a></font></td>"

  calendar +="<td align=center colspan=3 bgcolor=#A7CCDC><b><font size='-2' face='Arial' color='darkblue'>" + monthName[index] + " "
+ year + "</font></b></td>"

  calendar +="<td align=right colspan=2 bgcolor=#A7CCDC><a href='javascript:void(0)'onClick='document.clear();opener.generateCalendar(opener.calendarWindow,"+goNextMonth+","+
nextYear+")'><img border=0 src='<RDML MERGE="*LW3SETCALNEXT">'></td></tr></table></td></tr>"

 //writes in the day of the week labels

 calendar +="<tr align=center>"

 calendar +="<td align='center' bgcolor='#FFFFC0'><b><img src='<RDML MERGE="*LW3SETSCAL">' border=0></b></font></td>"

 calendar +="<td align='center' bgcolor='#FFFFC0'><b><img src='<RDML MERGE="*LW3SETMCAL">' border=0></b></font></td>"

 calendar +="<td align='center' bgcolor='#FFFFC0'><b><img src='<RDML MERGE="*LW3SETTCAL">' border=0></b></font></td>"

 calendar +="<td align='center' bgcolor='#FFFFC0'><b><img src='<RDML MERGE="*LW3SETWCAL">' border=0></b></font></td>"

 calendar +="<td align='center' bgcolor='#FFFFC0'><b><img src='<RDML MERGE="*LW3SETTCAL">' border=0></b></font></td>"

 calendar +="<td align='center' bgcolor='#FFFFC0'><b><img src='<RDML MERGE="*LW3SETFCAL">' border=0></b></font></td>"

 calendar +="<td align='center' bgcolor='#FFFFC0'><font color='#FF0000'><b><img src='<RDML MERGE="*LW3SETSCAL">' border=0></b></font></td>"
 calendar +="</tr>"
 wholeDate = month + "/01/" + year
 thedate = new Date(wholeDate)
 firstDay = thedate.getDay()
 selectedmonth = mthIdx;
 var today = new Date();
 var thisyear = today.getYear() + 1900;
 selectedyear = year;

 var lastDay = (endday + firstDay+1)
 calendar +="<tr>"

 var daycounter = 0;
 for (var i = 1; i < lastDay; i++)
  if (i <= firstDay)
   // 'empty' boxes prior to first day
   calendar +="<td><img border=0 src='<RDML MERGE="*LW3SETCALBLANK">'></td>"

   // enter date number
   if (i % 7 == 0 || i % 7 == 1)
    if ((i-firstDay)==(today.getDate())&&(month == parseInt(today.getMonth() + 1)) &&(year == today.getYear()))
    calendar +="<td bgcolor='lightgreen' align=center><a href='JavaScript:self.close();opener.closeCalendar"+"("+(i-firstDay)+ "," + selectedyear + ")'>"+(i-firstDay)+"</a></td>"
    calendar +="<td bgcolor='pink' align=center><a href='JavaScript:self.close();opener.closeCalendar"+"("+(i-firstDay)+ "," + selectedyear + ")'>"+(i-firstDay)+"</a></td>"

    if ((i-firstDay)==(today.getDate())&&(month == parseInt(today.getMonth() + 1)) && (year == today.getYear()))
    calendar +="<td bgcolor='lightgreen' align=center><a href='JavaScript:self.close();opener.closeCalendar"+"("+(i-firstDay)+ "," + selectedyear + ")'>"+(i-firstDay)+"</a></td>"
    calendar +="<td align=center><a href='JavaScript:self.close();opener.closeCalendar"+"("+(i-firstDay)+ "," + selectedyear + ")'>"+(i-firstDay)+"</a></td>"

  //must start new row after each week
  if (i % 7 == 0 && i != lastDay)
   calendar +="</tr><tr>"
 calendar +="</tr>"

 //separator line

 //calendar +="<tr><td colspan=7 align=center width=200><hr noshade></td></tr></table></form></body></html>"

calendar +="</table></div></form></body></html>"


function SetDateField(FieldName, DateFormat, day, year)
// Get the total number of input elements on the page
var NumElements=document.LANSA.elements.length;

// Loop thorugh each input element
for (i=0; i<NumElements;i++)
// Find the matching fieldname and type
if (document.LANSA.elements[i].name==FieldName && document.LANSA.elements[i].type =="text")
// Set the Date to the selected date using the required format
if (DateFormat == 6)

document.LANSA.elements[i].value=year + "/" + selectedmonth + "/" + parseInt(day, 10);
else if (DateFormat == 5)

document.LANSA.elements[i].value=selectedmonth + "/" + day + "/" + year;
else if (DateFormat == 4)
document.LANSA.elements[i].value=parseInt(day,10) + "/" + selectedmonth + "/" + year;
else if (DateFormat == 3 || DateFormat == null)
document.LANSA.elements[i].value=parseInt(day,10) + "/" + selectedmonth + "/" + year;
else if (DateFormat == 2)
document.LANSA.elements[i].value=selectedmonth + "/" + day + "/" + year;
else if (DateFormat == 1)
document.LANSA.elements[i].value=year + "/" + selectedmonth + "/" + parseInt(day, 10);
function closeCalendar(day, year)
// If no FieldName is passed in return. you could put an alert in here to inform the user that no FieldName was passed.

if (FieldName == null || FieldName == "")
{ return; }

// Set Default DateFOrmat to 1
if (DateFormat == null || DateFormat == "")
{ DateFormat = 1; }

// Add leading 0 if Month is less than 10
if (selectedmonth < 10)
{ selectedmonth = "0" + selectedmonth; }

if (day < 10 && day.length != 2) {day = "0" + day;}

// Make year 2 digit format only if DateFormat is 4, 5 or 6
if (DateFormat >= 4 && DateFormat <= 6)
if ((year >= 2000) && (year <= 2050))
{year = parseInt(year, 10) - 2000; }
{year = parseInt(year, 10) - 1900;}
if (year < 10) year = "0" + year;

// Call SetDateField to set the value of the Field to the Selected Date.

SetDateField(FieldName, DateFormat, day, year);
