To Execute this Example


To Execute this Example
Select a Start and End Date from a CalendarThe Things that Make Up this ExampleBefore You Execute Web Functions

Open a browser session.

In the address entry field of the browser type:


nnn.nnn.nnn.nnnis the IP address of the web server you are connecting to
xxis the port number where your web server has been configured to run. If your web server uses the default port 80, this parameter is not required.
ppp is the partition identifier of the partition where you imported the material

Click on the Select Date button.

Select a Start Date, select an End Date.

Notes and suggestions

You can return dates in any format of your choice. The formats are described at the top of the Calendar’s Java Script code. The format is a parameter that is passed to the Calendar when clicking on the Select Date button. To change the format, locate this line of HTML in the SET171B:
<TD><A HREF="JavaScript:createCalendar(160,170,443,351,4, 'SSTARTDATE',4, 'STERMDATE')"><IMG SRC="<RDML MERGE ="*LW3SETCALENDAR">" ALT="Select a Start and End Date." BORDER=0></A></TD>

Look carefully at the parameters passed to createCalendar: (160,170,443,351,4, 'SSTARTDATE',4, 'STERMDATE')
160is the width of calendar window in pixels
170 is the height of calendar window in pixels
443is the position of calendar window from the top in pixels
351is the position of calendar window from left in pixels
4is the format of the start date to return
SSTARTDATE is the start date field name prefixed with the field type S(signed). If alpha it would be prefixed with an A.
4is the format of the end date to return
STERMDATE is the end date field name prefixed with the field type S(signed).