Browser / Detailer Form


Browser / Detailer Form
Example 155FA - Rating: common
The Things that Make Up this ExampleTo Execute this Example

The BASE_xxxx series of examples are designed to provide you with base examples of common layout and functionality that you may choose to reuse when constructing your own applications.

In this example (S_155FA) the base for a standardized browser / detailer style of form is provided.

Initially you should cut/paste/compile/execute the shipped S_155FA as a means of understanding the basic functionality that it provides.

Once you understand S_155FA you should then create your own application version of S_155FA and any associated browser and detailer reusable part(s) that it needs to use.

Please Note: S_155FA uses S_155FHL, S_155FLG and S_155RST, so you should cut and paste all of them before attempting to cut and paste S_155FA.

Base FormExample 155FA