RDML Function SET011B


RDML Function SET011B
Changes to the RDML

You will have modified the working list #DATALISTW in SET011A, so first of all copy the modified working list definition (the DEF_LIST command) into this function.

#SELT_DEPT and #SELT_SECT are used a working fields that have the value of the current selected department and section. Define your own fields for that purpose and include them in the GROUP_BY #PANELDATA as hidden.

#S_011MTRE is a browselist with the necessary data for the menu to be built. #DEPTMENT and #SECTION belong to this browselist as the required keys to build the Employee browselist. They must be in the browselist so its values can be passed to SetKey (see also S_011ADDSUBITM). Change this browselist so that it includes key fields to access the file you have to access in SET011C to build the browselist.

Changes to the HTML

Change the references to #SELT_DEPT and #SELT_SECT to the ones you refer to in the RDML of this function. If you need more fields you will have to add their definition in the same way as those two fields are defined.

Search for the word Departments, which is used as the title of the left hand-side frame and change it.

To display other images than the traditional folder icons you have two options:

Change the value of the graphical variables *LW3SETOPENFOLDER and *LW3SETCLOSEFOLDER so that they refer different image files.

If you wish to create your own graphical variables do so and thereafter change all occurrences of *LW3SETOPENFOLDER and *LW3SETCLOSEFOLDER in this function to the new ones.