To Execute this Example


To Execute this Example
Email Document Handling SystemThe Things that Make Up this ExampleDocuments

To execute this example you need access to 2 systems.

One to process the inbound e-mail requests: This system needs to have a working e-mail environment, MS-Word, MS-Excel and the SET collection installed.

Another to send example e-mail requests: This system needs to have a working e-mail environment, MS-Word, MS-Excel and access to the SET supplied SET208D.DOC, SET208E.DOC, SET208Q.DOC or SET208S.XLS documents.

On the system that is to process inbound e-mail requests:
  • Start the email system (e.g. MS-Outlook).
  • Start form S_208FMF executing on your workstation and follow the onscreen instructions to connect to the server and the e-mail system.
On the other system (not the same one as used to process inbound e-mails):
  • Open document SET208D.DOC, SET208E.DOC, SET208Q.DOC or SET208S/XLS in MS-Word and follow the instructions contained in the document.
Please Note: The example uses MAPI, MS-Word and MS-Excel Active-X interfaces. If you receive errror messages when you attempt to connect to your e-mail system and/or when starting this example try recompiling the all S_208* components that make up this example. This should ensure that the correct MAPI, MS-Word and MS-Excel Active-X versions for your system are being used.