Spell Check

Diagram Designer

Diagram Designer

Spell Check


Diagram Designer's spell check tool checks spelling of all text in objects.  Spell check requires that a valid dictionary be installed, and that the dictionary path is set in the Options dialog; an error message will result if no dictionary is found.

The initial dialog shows the default language (changeable if more than one dictionary is installed) and some spell check options, namely:
  • Check only the active layer - if box is unchecked, all layers will be checked.
  • Skip symbols - don't try to spell check non-words (eg. mathematical symbols, etc.)

Once options are set, the button will commence the spell check.

If the spell checker finds a mis-spelled word (as in the image to the right), the user is presented with a detailed list of possible correct spellings.  3 choices exist at this time:
  1. the word is spelled correctly; press to add the word to the dictionary.  New words added to the dictionary are not added to the main dictionary file; a separate file is created (eg. english.user.dic) which may be edited or deleted.
  1. highlight the correct spelling from the Suggestions box, and press to replace the word
  2. type a new spelling the the top-most box (Not in dictionary:) and press to replace the word

The spell check tool issues a message when complete, press to close the dialog.