Edit Menu

Diagram Designer

Diagram Designer

Edit Menu



Click on an item for more information


  • undo last operation (eg. cut, paste, move, etc.).  Objects affected by the last operation are restored to their previous state.  The number of undo operations available (ie. Undo history size) is set in the Options dialog (ie. File/Options).



  • redo the last undo.  If undo was used, this operation restores the objects to their state before the undo was executed.



Select all




  • cuts the selected object(s) to the clipboard - objects are removed from the diagram.  Note that Windows® provides a native keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+X for this function.  Users may find this more convenient as it is a one-handed combination.



  • copies the selected object(s) to the clipboard - objects are left intact.  Note that Windows® provides a native keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+C for this function.  Users may find this more convenient as it is a one-handed combination.



  • pastes the clipboard contents (object or objects) to the diagram.  Objects are pasted near the original (if copied or cut from the diagram) and may be moved to another position.  Diagram Designer can also paste text or images copied to the clipboard by other applications; images are inserted as bitmaps regardless of their original format.  Such objects are pasted near the current top of the Diagram pane.  Note that Windows® provides a native keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+V for this function.  Users may find this more convenient as it is a one-handed combination.


Paste special

  • If Diagram Designer does not completely understand the format of data in the clipboard, the Paste special routine should allow the user to paste the data anyway, converting it to a different format.  For example, copying colored text from a word processor likely puts Rich Text format text in the clipboard.  Attempting to use Paste in Diagram Designer just pastes the (uncolored) text, while using Paste special allows the user to choose between Text and Windows® metafile format.  The metafile format, although restrictive in editing capability (by Diagram Designer) does show the text as originally colored.



  • deletes an object or objects without copying them to the clipboard.  Objects removed in this fashion can be re-instated by using undo.


Insert picture...

  • this tool allows insertion of a picture as a bitmap.  Although similar to Paste (or Paste special), it differs in that copying the image to the clipboard is not necessary; the image file can be imported directly.


Insert inherited layer...

  • see Using layers for a discussion of layering and inserting an inherited layer.