ClockStone Audio Toolkit for Unity - Documentation
AudioController Methods |
The AudioController type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddPlaylist |
Adds a new playlist.
| |
AddToCategory(AudioCategory, AudioItem) |
Adds a custom audio item to a category.
| |
AddToCategory(AudioCategory, AudioClip, String) |
Creates an AudioItem with the name audioID containing a single subitem playing the specified
custom AudioClip. This AudioItem is then added to the specified category.
| |
ClearPlaylists |
Clears all music playlist.
| |
DetachAllAudios |
Detaches all audio objects possibly parented to the specified game object.
| |
EnableAmbienceSound |
Enables the ambience sound.
| |
EnableMusic |
Enables the music.
| |
EnqueueMusic |
Enqueues an audio ID to the music playlist queue.
| |
FadeInCategory |
Starts a fade-in of an audio category.
| |
FadeOutCategory |
Starts a fade-out of an audio category.
| |
GetAudioItem |
Returns the AudioItem with the given audioID.
| |
GetAudioItemMaxDistance |
Gets the audio item's max distance. (respects all proper default values and overwrites).
| |
GetCategory |
Gets a category.
| |
GetCategoryVolume |
Gets the category volume.
| |
GetCurrentAmbienceSound |
Gets the current ambience sound.
| |
GetCurrentAudioListener |
Gets the currently active Unity audio listener.
| |
GetCurrentMusic |
Gets the current music.
| |
GetGlobalVolume |
Gets the global volume.
| |
GetMusicPlaylist |
If playlistName == null then gets a copy of the current playlist audioID array, otherwise gets a copy of the playlist with the specified name
| |
GetPlayingAudioObjects(Boolean) |
Returns an array of all playing audio objects.
| |
GetPlayingAudioObjects(String, Boolean) |
Returns an array of all playing audio objects with the specified audioID.
| |
GetPlayingAudioObjectsCount |
Returns the number of all playing audio objects with the specified audioID.
| |
GetPlayingAudioObjectsInCategory |
Returns an array of all playing audio objects in the category with name categoryName.
| |
GetPlaylistByName |
Retrieves a playlist by name. If playlists are named identically it will return the first one it finds
| |
InitializeAudioItems |
Updates the internal audioID dictionary and initializes all registered AudioItem objects.
| |
IsAmbienceSoundEnabled |
Determines whether ambience sound is enabled.
| |
IsAmbienceSoundPaused |
Uses to test if ambience sound is paused
| |
IsMusicEnabled |
Determines whether music is enabled.
| |
IsMusicPaused |
Uses to test if music is paused
| |
IsPlaying |
Determines whether the specified audio ID is playing.
| |
IsPlaylistPlaying |
Determines whether the playlist is playing.
| |
IsSoundMuted |
Determines whether sound is muted
| |
IsValidAudioID |
Tests if a given audioID is valid.
| |
MuteSound |
Mutes / Unmutes the sound.
| |
NewCategory |
Creates a new audio category
| |
OnAfterDeserialize | ||
OnBeforeSerialize | ||
PauseAll |
Pauses all playing audio items (including the music).
| |
PauseAmbienceSound |
Pauses the currently playing ambience sound.
| |
PauseCategory |
Pauses all playing audio items in the specified category (including the music).
| |
PauseMusic |
Pauses the currently playing music.
| |
Play(String) |
Plays an audio item with the name audioID.
| |
Play(String, Transform) |
Plays an audio item with the name audioID parented to a specified transform.
| |
Play(String, Vector3, Transform) |
Plays an audio item with the name audioID parented to a specified transform with a world offset.
| |
Play(String, Single, Single, Single) |
Plays an audio item with the name audioID.
| |
Play(String, Transform, Single, Single, Single) |
Plays an audio item with the name audioID parented to a specified transform.
| |
Play(String, Vector3, Transform, Single, Single, Single) |
Plays an audio item with the name audioID parented to a specified transform with a world offset.
| |
PlayAfter |
Plays an audio item with the name audioID right after the given AudioObject stops playing.
(see the Unity AudioSettings.dspTime documentation)
| |
PlayAmbienceSound(String, Single, Single, Single) |
Plays an audio item with the name audioID as ambience sound.
| |
PlayAmbienceSound(String, Transform, Single, Single, Single) |
Plays an audio item with the name audioID as ambience sound at the specified position.
| |
PlayAmbienceSound(String, Vector3, Transform, Single, Single, Single) |
Plays an audio item with the name audioID as ambience sound at the specified position.
| |
PlayAudioItem |
Plays a specific AudioItem.
| |
PlayAudioSubItem |
Plays a specific AudioSubItem.
| |
PlayMusic(String, Single, Single, Single) |
Plays an audio item with the name audioID as music.
| |
PlayMusic(String, Transform, Single, Single, Single) |
Plays an audio item with the name audioID as music at the specified position.
| |
PlayMusic(String, Vector3, Transform, Single, Single, Single) |
Plays an audio item with the name audioID as music at the specified position.
| |
PlayMusicPlaylist |
Start playing the music playlist.
| |
PlayNextMusicOnPlaylist |
Jumps to the next the music track on the playlist.
| |
PlayPreviousMusicOnPlaylist |
Jumps to the previous music track on the playlist.
| |
PlayScheduled |
Plays an audio item with the name audioID parented to a specified transform with a world offset scheduled at a specified high precision DSP time
(see the Unity AudioSettings.dspTime documentation)
| |
RemoveAudioItem |
Removes an AudioItem from the AudioController.
| |
RemoveCategory |
Removes an audio category.
| |
SetCategoryVolume |
Changes the category volume. Also effects currently playing audio items.
| |
SetCurrentMusicPlaylist |
Sets the current playlist to the specified audioID array
| |
SetGlobalVolume |
Changes the global volume. Effects all currently playing audio items.
| |
Stop(String) |
Stops all playing audio items with name audioID.
| |
Stop(String, Single) |
Stops all playing audio items with name audioID with a fade-out.
| |
StopAll |
Immediately stops playing audio items (including the music).
| |
StopAll(Single) |
Fades out all playing audio items (including the music).
| |
StopAmbienceSound |
Stops the currently playing ambience sound.
| |
StopAmbienceSound(Single) |
Stops the currently playing ambience sound with fade-out.
| |
StopCategory |
Stops all playing audio items in the specified category (including the music).
| |
StopMusic |
Stops the currently playing music.
| |
StopMusic(Single) |
Stops the currently playing music with fade-out.
| |
UnloadAllAudioClips |
Unloads all AudioClips specified in this AudioController from memory.
| |
UnpauseAll |
Un-pauses all playing audio items (including the music).
| |
UnpauseAmbienceSound |
Unpauses the current ambience sound.
| |
UnpauseCategory |
Un-pauses all playing audio items in the specified category (including the music).
| |
UnpauseMusic |
Unpauses the current music.
See Also