Find Command
The Finder is a tool for looking up records using the key fields of Sage ERP Accpac records. When you click the Finder button, a form appears that displays the records you can choose from.
Use the Finder form to:
- Search for a record.
- Select a record for use.
- Set criteria (restrictions) for displaying records.
- Remove criteria for displaying records.
To search for a record
- Click on the arrow in the Find By field to choose a search topic. (These will vary; in our example below, the choices relate to currency because we are using Currency Codes for our search.)
- From the next field, choose either Starts With or Contains.
- If you chose Starts With, type the first letter or number in the record you are searching for. If you chose Contains, type some of the letters, numbers, or words in the record you are searching for.
When you select the Auto Search option, the Finder will run the search as you are typing.
If you clear the Auto Search option, you must choose the Find Now button to start the search.