Recurring Payables Setup -- Invoice Tab
This tab lets you specify the following information for the recurring payable:
- The starting date..
- The expiration type, and, depending on the type you specify:
- The expiration date, if there is one.
- A maximum amount that you will pay for the recurring payable, if there is a maximum.
- A maximum number of invoices.
- Assign a schedule to set the frequency of payable invoices.
- Select a remit-to location for the payable, if needed.
- Assign payment terms and tax information for the payable.
- Enter a description and the purchase order number, if any.
Schedule code
Enter the code for the schedule that you want to attach to this record, or select it using the Finder.
If you want to set up a new schedule or modify an existing one, choose the Schedule button. You can use up to 15 characters to create the new code. (Note that you must have a security authorization to maintain schedules in Common Services to be able to add or modify an existing schedule.)
For more information about setting up schedules for recurring transactions, refer to the System Manager help.
Starting and expiration dates
Accounts Payable lets you specify the date on which the recurring payable comes into effect and, if you choose Specific Date as the Expiration type, the date that it expires. If you choose No Expiration Date as the Expiration Type, you can create invoices for the recurring payable indefinitely.
The Create Recurring Payable Batch form will not create invoices for payables unless the creation date is between the start date and the expiration date.
Maximum amount
If an invoice would cause the amount invoiced to date to exceed the maximum, Accounts Payable does not create the invoice.
Click one of the links below for help on using the corresponding tab:
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