Block someone who is not on your list

Windows Messenger .NET

To block someone who is not on your list

If you want to block someone before they have ever contacted you, you'll need to know the person's e-mail address or sign-in name.

  1. In the main window, under I want to..., click Send an Instant Message.
  2. On the Other tab, type the e-mail address or sign-in name of the person you want to block, and then click OK.
  3. In the conversation window, click Block.

When the person attempts to send you an instant message, he or she will get a message saying that the instant message could not be delivered.

* Note

If I want to... is not visible, on the Tools menu, click Show Actions Pane.

* Related Topics

Block someone from seeing and contacting you

Unblock someone you have blocked

prevent stop privacy exclude deny access