View a list of the people who can see you

Windows Messenger .NET

To view a list of the people who can see you

  • Look at the list of people in My Allow List.

    * To get there: On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Privacy tab.

The people in your Allow list are able to see you. When other users add you to their lists, they will not be allowed to see your online status unless you approve. By granting them permission to add you, you are putting these contacts in your Allow list.

If you deny someone permission to add you, you are putting that person in your Block list. A person in your Block list is not able to see whether you are online or to contact you. You will always appear to them to be offline.

* Note

If an instant message you send cannot be delivered, ask the recipient to make sure that All other users is in their My Allow List on the Privacy tab.

* Related Topics

See who added you

Block someone from seeing and contacting you

visible invisible include prevent stop exclude permit grant database