STSW-STLKT01: File List


File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 SensorTile.cThis file provides low level functionalities for Sensor Tile board
 SensorTile.hThis file contains definitions for SensorTile.c file
 SensorTile_accelero.cThis file provides the Accelerometer driver for the Sensor Tile board
 SensorTile_accelero.hThis file contains definitions for the SensorTile_accelero.c
 SensorTile_audio_in.cThis file provides the Audio In driver for the Sensor Tile board
 SensorTile_audio_in.hThis file contains definitions for SensorTile_audio_in.c driver
 SensorTile_audio_out.cThis file provides the Audio Out driver for the Sensor Tile expansion board
 SensorTile_audio_out.hThis file contains definitions for SensorTile_audio_out.c driver
 SensorTile_BlueNRG.cThis file provides the BLE driver for the Sensor Tile board
 SensorTile_BlueNRG.hThis file contains definitions for the SensorTile_BlueNRG.c
 SensorTile_gg.cThis file provides a set of functions needed to manage the Gas Gauge sensor
 SensorTile_gg.hThis file contains definitions for SensorTile_gg.c firmware driver
 SensorTile_gyro.cThis file provides the Gyroscope driver for the Sensor Tile board
 SensorTile_gyro.hThis file contains definitions for SensorTile_gyro.c driver
 SensorTile_humidity.cThis file provides the Humidity sensor driver for the Sensor Tile board
 SensorTile_humidity.hThis file contains definitions for the SensorTile_humidity.c
 SensorTile_magneto.cThis file provides the magnetometer driver for the Sensor Tile board
 SensorTile_magneto.hThis file contains definitions for SensorTile_magneto.c driver
 SensorTile_pressure.cThis file provides the pressure sensor driver for the Sensor Tile board
 SensorTile_pressure.hThis file contains definitions for SensorTile_pressure.c driver
 SensorTile_sd.cThis file provides the SD card driver for the SensorTile board
 SensorTile_sd.hThis file contains definitions for SensorTile_sd.c driver
 SensorTile_temperature.cThis file provides the temperature sensor driver for the Sensor Tile board
 SensorTile_temperature.hThis file contains definitions for SensorTile_temperature.c driver
 usbd_cdc.hHeader file for the usbd_cdc.c file
 usbd_cdc_if_template.hHeader for usbd_cdc_if_template.c file
 usbd_cdc.cThis file provides the high layer firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the USB CDC Class:
 usbd_cdc_if_template.cGeneric media access Layer
 cube_hal.hHeader for cube_hal_l4.c
 main.hThis file contains definitions for the main.c file
 stm32l4xx_hal_conf.hHAL configuration file
 stm32l4xx_it.hHeader for stm32l4xx_it.c
 usbd_audio_if.hHeader for usbd_audio_if.c file
 cube_hal_l4.cSpecific Cube settings for STM32L4 Nucleo boards
 main.cMain program body
 stm32l4xx_hal_msp.cHAL MSP module
 stm32l4xx_it.cMain Interrupt Service Routines. This file provides template for all exceptions handler and peripherals interrupt service routine
 usbd_audio_if.cUSB Device Audio interface file
 usbd_conf_l4.cThis file implements the USB Device library callbacks and MSP
 cube_hal.hHeader for cube_hal_l4.c
 datalog_application.hHeader for datalog_application.c module
 usbd_cdc_interface.hHeader for usbd_cdc_interface.c file
 usbd_conf.hGeneral low level driver configuration
 usbd_desc.hHeader for usbd_desc.c module
 cube_hal_l4.cSpecific Cube settings for STM32L4 Nucleo boards
 datalog_application.cThis file provides a set of functions to handle the datalog application
 stm32l4xx_hal_msp.cHAL MSP module
 usbd_cdc_interface.cSource file for USBD CDC interface
 usbd_conf.cThis file implements the USB Device library callbacks and MSP
 usbd_desc.cThis file provides the USBD descriptors and string formating method
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