STSW-STLKT01: Projects/SensorTile/Applications/AudioLoop/Src Directory Reference


Src Directory Reference


file  cube_hal_l4.c [code]
 Specific Cube settings for STM32L4 Nucleo boards.
file  main.c [code]
 Main program body.
file  stm32l4xx_hal_msp.c [code]
 HAL MSP module.
file  stm32l4xx_it.c [code]
 Main Interrupt Service Routines. This file provides template for all exceptions handler and peripherals interrupt service routine.
file  usbd_audio_if.c [code]
 USB Device Audio interface file.
file  usbd_conf_l4.c [code]
 This file implements the USB Device library callbacks and MSP.
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