Developer Support
Microsoft Support Center
The Microsoft Support Center site maintains a wealth of resources to help you get the most from your product. Here you can search the entire Knowledge Base, view all the troubleshooting wizards, and access all the downloadable files. You can also view the extensive online glossary of computer terms, and find phone numbers and support options for all Microsoft products.
Speech newsgroups
For assistance with specific problems, check first with the following newsgroup. For advice on configuring a newsreader, see How to Read Newsgroups.
- microsoft.public.speech_tech.sdk
Microsoft Speech.NET Technologies Feedback
If you have feedback on the Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) or other Microsoft Speech-related questions, please send an e-mail message to the following address. This e-mail address is monitored regularly, but questions will receive only limited response. Please use the newsgroup forum above for most questions and inquiries.