SpObjectTokenCategory Interface

Microsoft Speech SDK

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Speech Automation 5.1


The SpObjectTokenCategory automation object represents a class of object tokens. Object tokens are associated with specific folders in the Speech configuration database, and these folders are organized into categories, such as Recognizers, AudioInputs and Voices. An SpObjectTokenCategory object represents a single category of object tokens, and provides access to all the tokens within that category.

Applications can derive the category of an initialized SpObjectToken object from its Category property, or they can create a new SpObjectTokenCategory object and use the SetId method to associate it with a particular category.

Automation Interface Elements

The SpObjectTokenCategory automation object has the following elements:

Properties Description
Default Property Gets and sets the ID of the default token in the category.
Id Property Returns the name of the object token category.
Methods Description
EnumerateTokens Method Returns a selection of SpObjectToken objects.
GetDataKey Method Returns the data key of the category in the speech configuration database.
SetId Method Sets the ID of the category.