Speech Automation 5.1
ISpeechRecoContext (Events)
The ISpeechRecoContext (Events) automation interface defines the types of events that a recognition context can receive.
Automation Interfaces
The ISpeechRecoContext (Events) automation interface contains the following elements:
Events | Description |
Adaptation Event | Occurs when the SR engine has finished processing a block of adaptation data. |
AudioLevel Event | Occurs when the SAPI audio object detects a change in audio level. |
Bookmark Event | Occurs when the SR engine encounters a bookmark within the current recognition stream. |
EndStream Event | Occurs when the SR engine encounters the end of an input audio stream. |
EnginePrivate Event | Occurs when a private SR engine raises a private event. |
FalseRecognition Event | Occurs when the SR engine produces a false recognition. |
Hypothesis Event | Occurs when the SR engine produces a hypothesis. |
Interference Event | Occurs when the SR engine encounters interference in the input audio stream. |
PhraseStart Event | Occurs when the SR engine identifies the start of a phrase. |
PropertyNumberChange Event | Occurs when the speech recognition engine detects a change in a property number value. |
PropertyStringChange Event | Occurs when the speech recognition engine detects a change in a property String value. |
Recognition Event | Occurs when the SR engine produces a recognition. |
RecognitionForOtherContext Event | Occurs when the recognition context encounters a recognition result that belongs to another recognition context. |
RecognizerStateChange Event | Occurs when the SR engine changes state. |
RequestUI Event | Occurs when the SR engine requests additional information from the user. |
SoundEnd Event | Occurs when the SR engine encounters an end of sound in the audio input stream. |
SoundStart Event | Occurs when the SR engine encounters the start of sound in the audio input stream. |
StartStream Event | Occurs when the SR engine encounters the start of an audio input stream. |