ISpeechRecoContext (Events) Interface

Microsoft Speech SDK

Intelligent Interface Technologies Home Page Microsoft Speech SDK

Speech Automation 5.1

ISpeechRecoContext (Events)

The ISpeechRecoContext (Events) automation interface defines the types of events that a recognition context can receive.

Automation Interfaces

The ISpeechRecoContext (Events) automation interface contains the following elements:

Events Description
Adaptation Event Occurs when the SR engine has finished processing a block of adaptation data.
AudioLevel Event Occurs when the SAPI audio object detects a change in audio level.
Bookmark Event Occurs when the SR engine encounters a bookmark within the current recognition stream.
EndStream Event Occurs when the SR engine encounters the end of an input audio stream.
EnginePrivate Event Occurs when a private SR engine raises a private event.
FalseRecognition Event Occurs when the SR engine produces a false recognition.
Hypothesis Event Occurs when the SR engine produces a hypothesis.
Interference Event Occurs when the SR engine encounters interference in the input audio stream.
PhraseStart Event Occurs when the SR engine identifies the start of a phrase.
PropertyNumberChange Event Occurs when the speech recognition engine detects a change in a property number value.
PropertyStringChange Event Occurs when the speech recognition engine detects a change in a property String value.
Recognition Event Occurs when the SR engine produces a recognition.
RecognitionForOtherContext Event Occurs when the recognition context encounters a recognition result that belongs to another recognition context.
RecognizerStateChange Event Occurs when the SR engine changes state.
RequestUI Event Occurs when the SR engine requests additional information from the user.
SoundEnd Event Occurs when the SR engine encounters an end of sound in the audio input stream.
SoundStart Event Occurs when the SR engine encounters the start of sound in the audio input stream.
StartStream Event Occurs when the SR engine encounters the start of an audio input stream.