SPPHRASEPROPERTY stores the information for one semantic property. It can be used to construct a semantic property tree.
See also Designing Grammar Rules for more information about semantic properties.
const WCHAR *pszName;
const WCHAR *pszValue;
ULONG ulFirstElement;
ULONG ulCountOfElements;
const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pNextSibling;
const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pFirstChild;
float SREngineConfidence;
signed char Confidence;
- pszName
- Name of the null-terminated string of the semantic property (in the Speech Text Grammar Format set using the PROPNAME attribute).
- ulId
- ID of the semantic property (in the Speech Text Grammar Format set using the PROPID attribute).
- pszValue
- Null-terminated string value of the semantic property (in the Speech Text Grammar Format set using the VALSTR attribute).
- vValue
- VARIANT value of a semantic property. The type has to be on of the following: VT_BOOL, VT_I4, VT_R4, VT_R8, or VT_BYREF (only for dynamic grammars). This is set using the VAL attribute in the Speech Text Grammar Format.
- ulFirstElement
- The first spoken element spanned by this property.
- ulCountOfElements
- The number of spoken elements spanned by this property.
- pNextSibling
- Pointer to next sibling in property tree.
- pFirstChild
- Pointer to the first child of this semantic property.
- SREngineConfidence
- Confidence value for this semantic property computed by the SR engine. The value range is specific to each SR engine. See Confidence Scoring and Rejection in SAPI Speech Recognition Engine Guide for additional details.
- Confidence
- Confidence value for this semantic property computed by SAPI. The value is either SP_LOW_CONFIDENCE, SP_NORMAL_CONFIDENCE, or SP_HIGH_CONFIDENCE. See Confidence Scoring and Rejection in SAPI Speech Recognition Engine Guide for additional details.