SPPARSEINFO is filled in by the speech recognition (SR) engine and sent to SAPI. SAPI uses the information to build a phrase object that can be sent in a hypothesis or recognition (see ISpSREngineSite::ParseFromTransitions).
typedef struct SPPARSEINFO
ULONG cbSize;
ULONGLONG ullAudioStreamPosition;
ULONG ulAudioSize;
ULONG cTransitions;
BOOL fHypothesis;
ULONG ulSREnginePrivateDataSize;
const BYTE *pSREnginePrivateData;
- cbSize
- The size of the SPPARSEINFO structure, as set by the SR engine.
- hRule
- The handle of the top-level rule for the recognition or hypothesis.
- ullAudioStreamPosition
- The position in the stream where the recognition started. If downsampling an audio stream, ullAudioStreamPosition will be the byte position within the original stream.
- ulAudioSize
- The size in bytes of the portion of the stream that is recognized.
- cTransitions
- The number of word transitions in the pPath array.
- pPath
- The transition path through the CFG that is recognized.
- fHypothesis
- TRUE if a hypothesis, false if a final recognition.
- SREngineID
- The unique identifier of the SR engine. Can be NULL.
- ulSREnginePrivateDataSize
- The size of private SR engine data that will be sent to the SR engine alternates analyzer. Can be zero.
- pSREnginePrivateData
- A pointer the private SR engine data (memory) that will be sent to the SR engine alternates analyzer. Can be NULL. SAPI will handle the serialization and marshaling of the data for the SR engine.