ISpeechPhraseElement Interface

Microsoft Speech SDK

Intelligent Interface Technologies Home Page Microsoft Speech SDK

Speech Automation 5.1


The ISpeechPhraseElement automation interface provides access to information about a word or phrase.

Use of the ISpeechPhraseElement is demonstrated in a code example at the end of this section.

Automation Interface Elements

The ISpeechPhraseElement automation interface contains the following elements:

Properties Description
ActualConfidence Property Returns the actual confidence for the phrase element.
AudioSizeBytes Property Returns the size, in bytes, of the audio for this element.
AudioSizeTime Property Returns the length of the element in 100-nanosecond units.
AudioStreamOffset Property Returns the starting offset of the element in bytes relative to the start of the phrase in the original input stream.
AudioTimeOffset Property Returns the starting offset of the element in 100-nanosecond units relative to the start of the phrase.
DisplayAttributes Property Returns a set of SpeechDisplayAttributes constants defining information about the display of this word.
DisplayText Property Returns the display text for the element.
EngineConfidence Property Returns the confidence score computed by the SR engine.
LexicalForm Property Returns the lexical form of the element.
Pronunciation Property Returns the pronunciation of the element as phonemes.
RequiredConfidence Property Returns the required confidence for this element.
RetainedSizeBytes Property Returns the size, in bytes, of the element in the retained audio stream.
RetainedStreamOffset Property Returns the starting offset of the element in bytes relative to the start of the phrase in the retained audio stream.