CoffeeS2 is the third sample application in a tutorial series named Coffee. It uses a consistent coffee shop motif. Customers enter the shop, go to the service counter, speak to order drinks or to enter the front office.
The samples are intended to demonstrate speech recognition capabilities within an application. They are designed for the application-level (API) programmer and for those not familiar with speech technology. Each sample will progressively add new features and increase in complexity. The tutorial chapters explain in detail particulars of the code. You are encouraged to read each chapter. Writing engines such as speech recognition or text-to-speech, also called device driver programming, will be covered separately. The samples can use engines provided by the SAPI SDK or third party SAPI-compliant engines.
Using CoffeeS2
As the third example, CoffeeS2 builds on the framework of its predecessors. There is one window and an expanded vocabulary from which to order drinks and move around the business. In addition to placing an order, you can move to both the counter and the office. However, drinks may not be requested while in the office.
CoffeeS2 allows you to speak any of the CoffeeS1 commands. If successful, the window displays the action such as "please order when ready!" If the command was not successfully recognized, no action will take place.
Due to the speed and processing capabilities of some computers, there might be a slight delay before CoffeeS1 responds. If after a moment nothing happens, try the command again. Commands may not be recognized for two common reasons. One, the speech may not have been clear. Perhaps the words were not spoken clearly enough or distinctively enough. Speak the command again more slowly and clearly. Second, the words spoken may not have been in the command list. Look at the commands available and speak again. The Coffee examples have a limited command list and if a word is used but is not from those commands, it will not be recognized.
To quit CoffeeS2, click the Close button in the upper right of the window frame.
New Features
See CoffeeS1 users note for a detailed description about using the application.A new navigation command has been added allowing you to visit the office. You may request "go to the office." The screen will change to "Welcome to the SAPI coffee shop office." Drinks may not be ordered while in the office. As a result, drink commands are unavailable while in the office. To leave, navigate to another part of the business. Like CoffeeS1, navigation commands involving the counter, store, and shop take you to the same place.
A second new feature asks you to repeat the order if it is not understood. If a recognition takes place but the word or phrase is not in the command list, CoffeeS2 will display "Sorry, I didn't get that order. Please try again."
New Commands
Choosing one word from each line of a category forms the command. Commands in parenthesis are optional and do need to be included. Words or phrases separated by slashes indicate any of the listed choices may be used although only one may be selected. Sections marked RULEREF indicate words or phrases may be chosen from the corresponding rule ID. Rule names are the same as listed in the corresponding XML configuration file.
XML rule ID: VID_Place- office